VpcId: Ref: VpcId VSwitchId: Ref: VSwitchId EngineVersion: '5.6' DBInstanceClass: rds.mysql.s2.large SecurityIPList: DBInstanceStorage: 5 Engine: MySQL DBMappings: - CharacterSetName: utf8 DBName: DBTest Outputs: DBInstanceId: Value: Fn::GetAtt: - RDSInstance - DBInstanceId...
Returns the current value of db_instance_class Returns: (String) — the current value of db_instance_class #db_instance_identifier ⇒ String (readonly) Also known as: id, db_instance_id Returns: (String) #db_instance_status ⇒ String (readonly) Returns the current value of db...
To learn about the DB engine versions supported by RDS for SQL Server, see DB Engines and Versions.Table 1 lists the instance classes based on the x86 CPU architecture av
公式如下: {DBInstanceClassMemory*X/Y} 示例 {DBInstanceClassMemory*7/10} 说明 DBInstanceClassMemory为RDS实例规格内存系统变量。 X、Y为分子和分母。 可调整范围为:[128MB, DBInstanceClassMemory*8/10],即最小调整到128 MB,最大调整到RDS实例规格内存的80%。 RDS实例默认InnoDB B...
"DBInstanceClass": String, "AllocatePublicConnection": Boolean, "PreferredBackupTime": String, "VSwitchId": String, "BackupPolicyMode": String, "Period": Integer, "PayType": String, "DBInstanceStorageType": String, "RoleARN": String, "MasterUserPassword": String, "MasterUserType": String, ...
importboto3# 初始化 RDS 客户端rds_client = boto3.client('rds')# 创建 RDS SQL Server 实例response = rds_client.create_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier='my-sql-server-instance', DBInstanceClass='db.t3.micro', Engine='sqlserver-ex', ...
db_instance_classStringFalseCoreThe compute and memory capacity of the database instance, such asd.t1.microordb.m2.xlarge. db_nameStringFalseCoreFor MySQL or PostgreSQL, the name of the database to create. For Oracle, the SID of the instance. For SQLServer, specifynull. ...
Amazon RDS enables placing resources like DB instances in multiple locations including Regions, Availability Zones, and Local Zones for low-latency access. September 29, 2024 AmazonRDS › UserGuideDB instance classes DB instance class determines compute, memory capacity; consists of type, size; modi...
db_instance_class String False Core The compute and memory capacity of the database instance, such as d.t1.micro or db.m2.xlarge. db_name String False Core For MySQL or PostgreSQL, the name of the database to create. For Oracle, the SID of the instance. For SQLServer, specify null....
这样可确保 Amazon RDS 具有更多的数据库连接。例如,如果一个 Amazon RDS PostgreSQL 实例托管在 db.t2.small 实例上,则公式 LEAST({DBInstanceClassMemory/9531392},5000) 会默认将 max_connections 设置为 198。 您可以利用 Amazon RDS 控制台和AWS 命令行界面 (CLI),或通过连接到此实例来找到此实例...