RDS offers a more flexible starting point with free-tier and low database instance tiers, beginning from the small db.t3.micro. In contrast, Standard Aurora starts from the larger db.t3.medium. Aurora Serverless v2 allows specifying a minimum of 0.5 ACU, where 0.5 ACU equates to 1 GiB of...
With this feature, RDS Proxy establishes only the required number of database connections to the database instance, regardless of how many connections the application makes to the proxy. By keeping the connection count ...
400 MinorVersionNotSupport The current database minor version does not support the operation. 当前实例内核小版本不支持该操作,可尝试升级内核小版本。 400 InvalideStatus.Format The instance status does not support this operation. 实例状态不支持此操作。 400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A package in...
After creating an RDS for MySQL instance, you can enable database proxy. Through the proxy address, write requests are routed to the primary instance and read requests to read replicas based on the routing policy of the proxy, reducing the read pressure of the primary instance. Basic Concepts...
Strong Database Performance Flexus RDS improves resource utilization by 50% and provides 2X the performance of self-managed databases in high-concurrency scenarios. A primary instance and standby instance can be switched over in seconds, with an RTO of less than 60s and 99.9999999% data reliability...
403 NotHaveProxy The current instance does not have a proxy. 当前实例没有代理。 403 MaxscaleMinorVersionNotSupport The Maxscale version used by the instance is too low, please upgrade the Maxscale version first. 实例使用数据库代理的版本过低,请先升级数据库代理版本。 403 IncorrectDBInstanceType Cu...
A failover of the DB instance. Changing the instance class of the DB instance (scale compute). Enhanced Monitoring metrics are returned during a reboot of a DB instance because only the database engine is rebooted. Metrics for the operating system are still reported. ...
RDS Instance You only pay for RDS for MariaDB DB instances. There is no hardware or software investment needed. Self-Managed Database You invest heavily in servers, systems, equipment hosting, and complex O&M. undefined End-to-End Server Security and Data Encryption ...
The Amazon CloudWatch alarms are created when an EC2 instance with the tag keyCreate_Auto_Alarmsenters therunningstate and they are deleted when the instance isterminated. Alarms can be created when an instance is first launched or afterwards by stopping and starting the instance. ...
Each Amazon RDS DB instance has an endpoint, and each endpoint has the DNS name and port number for the DB instance. To connect to your DB instance using a SQL client application, you need the DNS name and port number for your DB instance.