A.: rdf:PlainLiteral: A Datatype for RDF Plain Literals. W3C Candidate Recommendation - Bao, Hawke, et al. - 2009 () Citation Context ...ned in RIF-DTB. The datatypes taken into account by the RIF-DTB [12] are imported either from W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD) [15] or...
private void validate(Constraint constraint, ValidationEngine engine, String message, String datatypeURI, RDFDatatype datatype, RDFNode focusNode, RDFNode valueNode) { if(!valueNode.isLiteral() || !datatypeURI.equals(valueNode.asNode().getLiteralDatatypeURI()) || !datatype.isValid(valueNode....
//RDFDatatype nodeDt = literal.getDatatype(); // TODO Make sure that the node datatype/value is actually compatible with this one // I think node datatype must be a sub-type of this one (e.g. nodedt=Student, thisdt=Person) Objecttmp=literal.getValue(); StringlexicalForm=rdfDatat...
类名称:RDFDatatype 方法名:isEqual RDFDatatype.isEqual介绍 [英]Compares two instances of values of the given datatype. This defaults to just testing equality of the java value representation but datatypes can override this. We pass the entire LiteralLabel to allow the equality function to take ...
类名称:RDFDatatype 方法名:isValidValue RDFDatatype.isValidValue介绍 [英]Test whether the given object is a legal value form of this datatype. [中]测试给定对象是否是此数据类型的合法值形式。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: SmartDataAnalytics/Sparqlify ...
方法名:isPrimitiveDatatype XMLDatatypeUtil.isPrimitiveDatatype介绍 [英]Checks whether the supplied datatype is a primitive XML Schema datatype. [中]检查提供的数据类型是否为原始XML架构数据类型。 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/rdf4j /** ...
In the context of RDF document matching/integration, the datatype information, which is related to literal objects, is an important aspect to be analyzed in order to better determine similar RDF...doi:10.1007/s41019-018-0064-6Dongo Irvin...
Dietze. Complex matching of rdf datatype properties. In Database and Expert Systems Applications, pages 195-208. Springer, 2013.Nunes, B.P., Mera, A., Casanova, M.A., Fetahu, B., Paes Leme, L.A.P., Diet- ze, S.: Complex Matching of RDF Datatype Properties. Presented at the ...
Dietze. Complex matching of rdf datatype properties. In Database and Expert Systems Applications, pages 195-208. Springer, 2013.Nunes, B.P., Mera, A., Casanova, M.A., Fetahu, B., Paes Leme, L.A.P., Diet- ze, S.: Complex Matching of RDF Datatype Properties. Presented at the ...
Datatype analysisDatatype inferenceXMLRDFSemantic WebIn the context of RDF document matching/integration, the datatype information, which is related to literal objects, is an important aspect to be analyzed in order to better determine similar RDF documents. In this paper, we propose a datatype ...