The Resource Description Framework is particularly good for storing metadata about files and other machine-accessible resources. The user can store handfuls of RDF inside the resources they describe, outside of them, in relational databases, in XML, or any place he or she likes, and then easily...
RDF的基本单元是三元组(triple) 每个三元组是(主语 谓语 宾语) 这样的元组tuple。主谓宾的取值称为"资源"(Resource, 也就是RDF里的R) 资源可以是一个网址(URI),一个字符串或数 字(严格来讲都是带类型的字符串,称为 literal),或者一个“空节点”(blank node)。 有两种特殊类型的资源。rdfs:Class... RDFS...
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a generalframeworkfor representing interconnected data on the web. RDF statements are used for describing and exchangingmetadata, which enables standardized exchange of data based on relationships. RDF is used to integrate data from multiple sources. An exampl...
dc1_0+"description", n.dcterms+"description"], true); } else if (!newItem.abstractNote) { } // extra for Zotero RDF else if (isZoteroRDF) { newItem.extra = getFirstResults(node, [n.dc+"description"], true); } else if (!newItem.abstractNote) { newItem.abstractNote = get...
资源描述框架(Resource Description Framework),一种用于描述Web资源的标记语言。RDF是一个处理元数据的XML(标准通用标记语言的子集)应用,所谓元数据,就是“描述数据的数据”或者“描述信息的信息”。也许这样解释元数据有些令人难以理解,举个简单的例子,书的内容是书的数据,而作者的名字、出版社的地址或版权信息就是...
综上所述,RDF是一种基于图像模型的资源描述语言,它提供了一种描述Web资源的语法和语义,能够更好地实现信息的发布、搜索和获取,从而有效地支持Web服务。它可以与其他技术和服务协同工作,如OWL(Web Ontology Language)、XML(Extensible Markup Language)、RSS(Really Simple Syndication)等,从而更好的满足用户需求。©...
xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc=""> <rdf:Description rdf:about= ""> <dc:title>MISHAP REPORT FORM</dc:title> ...
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a framework for representing information in the Web. RDF Concepts and Abstract Syntax defines an abstract syntax on which RDF is based, and which serves to link its concrete syntax to its formal semantics. It also includes discussion of design goals, ...
1 6.4 Resource Description Framework (RDF) 6.4 Resource Description Framework (RDF) 6 Interoperabilität im mit XML 6.1 XML – Definition..
Property Element Some forms of property elements 3. property elements e.g. John Smith John Smith Jan 01,1900 Jan 01,1900 RDF Syntax Property Element Some forms of property elements 4. URI = Uniform Resource Identifiere.g. <rdf:Description <rdf:Description about=“”> about=“ smi...