kafka-server-start.sh -daemon ../config/server.properties 1. -daemon以进程式的方式启动kafka,不然启动的窗口是阻塞式的,不方便操作 关闭kafka集群 kafka-server-stop.sh stop 1. 关闭的时候,可能会有点延迟,ps查看进程可能还会存在kafka的信息,稍等一会后再查看即可。 群起kafka脚本 本脚本服务器ip等信息是...
rd_kafka_consume_batch读不出数据 uncaught error in kafka producer i/o thread,问题现象定制系统时,需要内置一些第三方的apk。按照系统app的内置方法,增加sharesystemuid获得系统权限。在使用的过程中大概率会出现某些系统应用(如:资源管理器,设置…)闪退。并伴随
在C语言中,要调用librdkafka库中的rd_kafka_consume_callback函数来消费Kafka消息,你需要按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,确保已经安装并正确配置了librdkafka库。 在代码文件的头部添加必要的头文件引用: #include<librdkafka/rdkafka.h> 创建一个回调函数来处理接收到的消息: voidmessage_callback(rd_kafka_t*rk,co...
apache doris routine load Using the librdkafka client to consume kafka data causes the backend node (mainly data storage and computation) to stop, with the following stack information : *** rdkafka_cgrp.c:2680:rd_kafka_cgrp_terminated: assert: !rd_kafka_assignment_in_progress(rkcg->rkcg_...
Description I got the error, while consuming messages (not large) from compacted topics: Confluent.Kafka.ConsumeException: Broker: Message size too large There are some relevant issues already. This one describes my problem exactly: #147...
when serveral kafka consumer based on librdkafka v1.0.0 working with others which based on librdkafka v0.11.5, some time(maybe serveral days later) the kafka consumer with v1.0.0 can‘t consume any message when a partition assigned to it even though there are lots of messages in the ...