--- struct rd_kafka_op_s 所在文件: src/rdkafka_op.h(c) 定义: struct rd_kafka_op_s { ...
a consume API that returns a set of messages according to max.poll.records? being able to control the number of messages fetched from the broker? librdkafka pre-fetches messages from the broker into an internal queue which is then served by the application when it calls consumer_poll() (et...
消息队列是分布式系统中重要的组件,使用消息队列主要是为了通过异步处理提高系统性能和削峰、降低系统耦合性。目前使用较多的消息队列有ActiveMQ,RabbitMQ,Kafka,RocketMQ,这些消息中间件我们暂时不讲,本章,我们使用最为简单的方式REDIS来实现消息队列的发布订阅模式. Redis Redis从2.X版本开始,就支持一种基于非持久化消...
consumer()转发通常由rd_kafka_poll()(如error\u cb、stats\u cb等)发送到rd_kafka_consumer_poll...