The RCSB PDB Protein Comparison Tooldoi:10.7490/F1000RESEARCH.2104.1Andreas Prlić nullSpencer BlivenPeter W RosePhilippe YoukharibachePhilip E Bourne
The Protein Comparison Tool, accessible using Java Web Start (, is a critical tool for relating and comparing different structures. It provides several turnkey methods for pairwise sequence and structure alignments. For example, Fig. 4 ...
(PDB). This can be used to perform advanced searches for PDB IDs matching various criteria, as well as to look up information associated with specific PDB IDs. This tool allows standard operations that can be perfomed from within the PDB website (BLAST, PFAM lookup, etc.) to be performed...
Validation reports are created and made publicly available in the PDB archive to enable consistent evaluation and comparison of structures. As wwPDB-designated ‘archive keeper’ for the PDB core archive, RCSB PDB is also responsible for PDB data security and updates, releasing >300 new structures...
The Sequence Similarity Search service enables performant queries for protein, DNA, and RNA one-letter-code sequences in the PDB archive by employing the sequence comparison tool MMseqs2.34, 35 For each matching sequence, the service returns a unique identifier for the PDB polymer sequence, matchi...
Summary: With the continuous growth of the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB), providing an up-to-date systematic structure comparison of all protein structures poses an ever growing challenge. Here, we present a comparison tool for calculating both 1D protein sequence and 3D protein structure ...