FGBSTAT3ubiquitin-proteasomeRenal cell carcinoma (RCC) is one of the common lethal urologic tumors. Recent studies revealed that SIRT1 might function as a tumor suppressor during the progression of RCC. In addition, studies showed that FGB expression was abnormally upregulated in RCC and related ...
(d) about 898 μs, (e) about 1098 μs, (f) about 1298 μs. Figure 12. RCC specimen failure process and the accumulated damage. Figure 13 shows the accumulated amount of failed elements of the specimen, which is scattered to 8640 elements under three loading strain rates. It is ...
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Detection of the soluble form of PD-1 in serum has been reported, but there are few studies demonstrating its clinical role in RCC. Antibody-based assays may rely on characteristics and quality of antibody used. We hypothesized that the use of Nivolumab as a capture antibody in ELISA would ...
Corfield J, Perera M, Bolton D and Lawrentschuk N. 68Ga-prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography (PET) for primary staging of high-risk prostate can- cer: a systematic review. World J Urol 2018; 36: 519-527....
Modeling of autogenous volume deformation process of RCC mixed with MgO based on concrete expansion experimentVan Chinh Nguyen aFu Guo Tong aVan Nghia Nguyen bConstruction and Building Materials
Comparative Analysis of T Shape 8 Storey Asymmetric RCC Srtucture with and Without Base IsolationMohmmad SediqKambham AmaniIJERT-International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology
Comparative Study of Conventional RCC Structure and Compression Spring based Isolated Structure Under Earthquake EffectKuldeep Prakash MaliPatil Vijaya VishwasVivek Tukaram BabarIJERT-International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology