关键词:RC电路;时域;频域;Multisim 中图分类号:TM131文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-0686(2015)03-0060-03 DiscussionontheResponseofRCCircuitunderSquareWaveExcitation ZHANGWei,YEYan-qun,XINGLiang (SchoolofInternetofThingsEngineering,JiangNanUniversity,Wuxi214122,China) Abstract:RCcircuithasbeenwidelyappliedinanalogc...
Supply a square-wave signal (amplitude 4V, periods 4ms, and pulse widthtwabout 4ms) to the circuit Fig.4-6. (1) Observe the waveforms ofuR,uC, anduiin the caseτ=RC< ; (2) Observe the waveforms ofuianduCsimultaneously in the caseτ=RC=( ; ...
Analyze the effects of the circuit parameters on the square-wave responses in first-order circuits。实验四 RC电路的过渡过程一、实验目的 1.学习使用XJ4328示波器显示波形和测量幅度、频率、相位的方法. 2。研究一阶电路的方波响应. 二、实验仪器设备名 称规格,型号数量 1 二踪示波器 XJ4328 1台 2 函数...
Keywords:first-order RC circuit square wave excitation integral circuit differential circuit time constant 1、引言 一阶电路是仅含有一个动态元件的电路,动态元件可以是线性电容元件或线性电感元件。分析包含一个动态元件的电路所列的电路方程为一阶微分方程,因此称为一阶电路。如果一阶电路中包含的动态元件为线性电...
关键词:一阶RC电路 方波激励 积分电路微分电路 时间常数 中图分类号:TMl3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007—9416(2011)11—01O6—03 RESEARCHONTHERESPONSEOFFIRST— ORDERRCCIRCUITUNDERSQUARE WAVEEXCITATION Abstract:Thetime—domainresponsesoffirst—orderRCcircuitundersquarewaveexcitationexhibitvarlouscharacteristicswhen...
Figure 4. Series RC circuit R1= 2.2 KΩ and C1= 1 µF. Figure 5.Breadboard connections of series RC circuit Procedure: On Channel 1 of the oscilloscope you will visualize the input voltage, and on channel 2 the voltage on the capacitor. Generate a square wave on the channel 1 of th...
The RC delay circuit comprises a resistor and a capacitor and generates the input voltage in response to the output voltage. The quantizer quantizes the input voltage to output a square-wave oscillation signal. Accordingly, an oscillation signal having a stable oscillation frequency unaffected by ...
AN437 - Rev 3 page 3/18 AN437 Snubber circuit functions and drawbacks 1.2 Overvoltage limitation at turn-off When a triac controls low root-mean-square currents inductive loads, an overvoltage could occur when the current reaches the holding current (IH) (refer to Figure 5). If the ...
The combination of simple application circuit, low supply current, and small package make the RC4190 adaptable to a wide range of miniature power supply applications. The RC4190 is most suited for single ended step-up (VOUT > VIN) circuits because the NPN internal switch transistor is ...
The simplest antenna to use is the quarter wave whip antenna. A quarter wave whip antenna above a ground plane yields 37 Ohm impedance and a matching circuit for 50 Ohm are usually not required. A PCB antenna can be made as a copper track where the ground plane is removed on the ...