Supply a square-wave signal (amplitude 4V, periods 4ms, and pulse widthtwabout 4ms) to the circuit Fig.4-6. (1) Observe the waveforms ofuR,uC, anduiin the caseτ=RC< ; (2) Observe the waveforms ofuianduCsimultaneously in the caseτ=RC=( ; ...
The source terminals of the connected parallels are connected in series with inverters (P21 and N11, P22 and N12, P23 and N13) and also with the gates of P-channel MOS Tr, which is connected with a bias circuit that comprises a diode (D1), a P-channel Tr. (ZO) and a register....
Analyze the effects of the circuit parameters on the square-wave responses in first-order circuits。实验四 RC电路的过渡过程一、实验目的 1.学习使用XJ4328示波器显示波形和测量幅度、频率、相位的方法. 2。研究一阶电路的方波响应. 二、实验仪器设备名 称规格,型号数量 1 二踪示波器 XJ4328 1台 2 函数...
关键词:RC电路;时域;频域;Multisim 中圈分类号:TMI3I 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0686l2015)03-0060-03 DiscussionontheResponseofRCCircuitunderSquareWaveExcitation ZHANGWei,YEYan-qun,XINGLiang (SchoolofInternetof ThingsEngineering,JiangNanUniversity,Wuxi214122,China) Abstract:RCcircuithasbeenwidelyappliedinana...
This is a tutorial on RC differentiator circuit operation. This is simply an RC timing circuit where the capacitor is on the input and the output is taken from the resistor.I am assuming a 50% duty cycle square wave for input.Fig. 1 illustrates the circuit in question. A square wave ...
放电过程测定电容.首先,通过测量已知电容的R C 电路时间常数建立C -τ定标曲线,然后,测量未知电容的电路时间常数求得电容值.最后,利用差减法估算出了电容的等效串联电阻值.实验结果表明,0.01μF 至0.1μF 范围内电容测量的相对误差小于3%.关键词:R C 电路;时间常量;电容测量;等效串联电阻中图分类号:O 441.5...
关键词:一阶RC电路 方波激励 积分电路微分电路 时间常数 中图分类号:TMl3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007—9416(2011)11—01O6—03 RESEARCHONTHERESPONSEOFFIRST— ORDERRCCIRCUITUNDERSQUARE WAVEEXCITATION Abstract:Thetime—domainresponsesoffirst—orderRCcircuitundersquarewaveexcitationexhibitvarlouscharacteristicswhen...
a sawtooth, is converted into a square wave output using a differentiator comprising an RC circuit having a given time constant. The amplitude of the square wave signal obtained by differentiating the input is measured by a rectifier (VG) and differential amplifier (DV) to whose second input a...