The Circular contains guidelines for hiring outsourcing services by the banks. RBI, however, admits that for reducing costs as well as for availing specialist expertise, it is the prerogative of UCBs to use outsourcing. RBI however cautions that such outsourcing also exposes the UCBs to the ext...
Other than just expressing concerns and sending alert signals, NBFCs may need to do self introspection and course correction, for which they would have expected granular observations, as in the case of gold lending vide circular dated September 30, 2024. It may be the expectation of the ...
The circular mandated that all bodies of those who died due to Covid-19 would be cremated rather than buried, to prevent the viru End of an era as Dr Manmohan Singh passes away Former prime minister Dr Manmohan Singh died here late Thursday of age-related medical conditions. He was 92...
Cloud on AWS Requirements in the RBI Master Direction on Outsourcing of Information Technology Services The following table describes the requirements in the RBI's circular in the Master Direction on Outsourcing of Information Technology Services and how VMware Cloud on AWS ...
The conference also focused on the importance of allocating increased funds for sectors like education, health, infrastructure, green energy projects. Topic: RBI 2. RBI has released draft circular on Credit Card Network Portability. RBI has proposed rules that could possibly restrict card issuers from...
RBI Guidelines on Cyber Security Audit for NBFCs The RBI's Master Direction guidelines, dated June. 2017 outlined the importance of Informed Technology and Cyber Security for NBFCs in RBI circular and guidelines. The information security framework discussed key principles such as confidentiality, integ...
A draft circular in this regard will be issued shortly for public comments. 5. Discussion Paper on Scale-based Regulatory Framework for NBFCs The contribution of NBFCs as a supplemental channel of credit intermediation alongside banks is well recognised. Regulatory regime governing the NBFC sect...
Based on the review of the earlier Master Directions, Circular and emerging issues, these revised Master Directions have been prepared. These Master direction are principle-based. They strengthen the role of the Board in overall governance as well as oversight of fraud risk management in REs. ...
Liability of cardholder in case of (i) above in terms of RBI circular ref. DBR.No.Leg.BC.78/09.07.005/2017-18 dated July 6, 2017 on ‘Customer Protection – Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorised Electronic Banking Transactions’ as updated from time to time. ...
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