PCE contributes to the overall development of thecorporate bond marketby encouraging more issuers to raise funds through bonds rather than relying solely on bank loans. Traditionally, infrastructure financing in India has been dependent on banks, which exposes them to high asset-liability mismatches due...
2. RBI has released draft circular on Credit Card Network Portability. RBI has proposed rules that could possibly restrict card issuers from engaging in exclusive arrangements with card networks like Mastercard, Visa or RuPay. The central bank also proposed that rules would apply to both banks and...
Based on the review of the earlier Master Directions, Circular and emerging issues, these revised Master Directions have been prepared. These Master direction are principle-based. They strengthen the role of the Board in overall governance as well as oversight of fraud risk management in REs. Thes...
RBI to Inject Rs 1 Lakh Crore via OMO, Announces $10 Billion Forex Swap to Manage Liquidity New Income Tax Bill: Tax Officers Could Gain Access to Emails & Social Media for Tax Scrutiny Updated List of Banks Enabled for Direct Tax Payments on e-Filing Portal ...
The credit card limits for nominal members shall be as prescribed in the circular UBD.No.Plan.PCB.20/09.63.00/96-97 dated October 16, 1996 as amended from time to time.iv. The total unsecured loans and advances (with surety or without surety or cheque purchases) grant...
Circular E Circular Flow CISA Citizenship Civil Court Civil Law Civil Rights Civil Suits Claim History Claims Claims Management Claims Process Claims Projection Claims Resolution Claims-Made Clarity Classical Classical Economics Classification ClassroomTech Clawback Clayton Act Clean Energy Clean Price Cleanup...