A radial basis function neural network sliding-mode controller (RBFSMC) is proposed to control a shape memory alloy (SMA) actuator. This approach, which combines a RBF neural network with sliding-mode control (SMC), is presented for the tracking control of a class of nonlinear systems having ...
由于笔者个人时间和精力有限,因此此处不再进行举例说明,仅提供一种调参思路。顺便这里给自己的滑模控制博客打个广告:滑模控制理论(SMC)概述 众所周知,滑模控制基于具有如下形式的系统数学模型: 具有(1)形式的方程组称为柯西形式,其特点是:方程组中每一状态量 的导数均为其接续状态量 ,而只有在最后一阶 的导数中含...
Gao Jie, Sun Hexu, Dong Yan, et al. RBF Neural Network SMC Design and Torque Ripple Optimization Research for Switched Reluc- tance Motor [ C ]. Yantai, China: Proceedings of the 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011 : 3512-3516.
鉴于此,提出基于 RBF 神经网络的主动前轮转向滑模控制(RBF-SMC)策略。 利用 RBF 神经网络优化切换增益的方法,削弱滑模控制带来的“抖振” 现象。 运用 CarSim 搭建汽车整车模型,在Matlab/Simulink 设计 RBF 神经网络滑模控制策略。 并进行转向阶跃和双移线这两种典型工况仿真, 将无控制、SMC 控制、RBF-SMC 控制这...
The algorithm is based on dynamic output feedback SMC, RBF neural network and adaptive control. The design of sliding surface and the existence of sliding mode have been addressed. The proposed robust tracking controller guarantees the stability of overall closed-loop system and achieves zero-...
摘要 针对四旋翼飞行器参数不确定性和易受外部干扰的问题,提出一种以径向基函数(Radial Basis Function,RBF)神经网络滑模控制(RBF-SMC)为外环、自抗扰控制为内环的内外环嵌套的控制策略.首先,根据牛顿...展开更多 To address the problems of parameter uncertainty and susceptibility to external disturbance of ...
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control。SMC),即滑模控制。由于滑动模态可以进行设计且与对象参数及扰 动无关,这就使得变结构控制具有快速响应、对参数变化及扰动不灵敏、物 理实现简单等优点。该方法的缺点在于当状态轨迹到达滑模面后,难于严格 地沿着滑模面滑向平衡点,而是在滑模面两侧来回穿越,从而产生抖动。
The second one is the proposed control which is designed via the CBSMC and RBFNN approximation. The CBSMC is used to guarantee the robustness and stability of the controlled system, and RBFNN approximation is used to improve the precision of the control performance with the presence of the ...