1 curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] \ 2 -X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/subscriptions/sub_00000000000001/addons \ 3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 4 -d '{ 5 "item":{ 6 "name":"Extra appala (papadum)", 7 "amount":30000, 8 "currency":"INR", 9 "descri...
var options={"key":"rzp_test_fiIwmRET6CApc2","amount":"49900","currency":"INR","name":"Dummy Academy","description":"Pay & Checkout this Course, Upgrade your DSA Skill","image":"https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/20210806114908/dummy-200x200.png","order_id":"order...
1 curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] 2 -X GET https://api.razorpay.com/v1/orders?expand[]=payments Success Failure 1 { 2 "entity": "collection", 3 "count": 2, 4 "items": [ 5 { 6 "id": "order_EpMTIJM0rhOj3H", 7 "entity": "order", 8 "amount": 10000, 9 ...
checkout.setKeyID("rzp_test_LdI1ob5rGXZDF6"); // ... } We will see the full code later on. Step 3 - Create order on server (Optional) You can use your backened custom order id. Create an order using Orders API in server. This generates an order_id when the customer...
setKeyID("Enter your key id here"); // set image checkout.setImage(R.drawable.gfgimage); // initialize json object JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); try { // to put name object.put("name", "Geeks for Geeks"); // put description object.put("description", "Test payment"); ...
在设置屏幕内,单击创建新密钥选项,将生成密钥。我们将在我们的应用程序中使用密钥ID来测试Razor的付款。密钥ID将以rzp_test开头 步骤6:使用MainActivity。 Java文件 转到MainActivity。 Java文件并参考以下代码。下面是MainActivity的代码。 Java文件。在代码内部添加了注释,以更详细地了解代码。
Next you can get account key id and secret and add on .env file as like bellow: .env RAZORPAY_KEY=rzp_test_XXXXXXXXX RAZORPAY_SECRET=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Read Also:PHP Paypal Payment Gateway Integration Example Step 3: Install razorpay/razorpay Package ...
Live: Key Id This is where you enter the Key ID that we generated in the previous step. Make sure you input the information correctly. Also make sure you input the LIVE keys, and not the test ones. Live: Key Secret This is where you enter the Key Secret that we generated in the pr...
const { amount, id: order_id, currency } = order.data; console.log(order); const options = { key: "rzp_test_asdfg345dfCVBN", amount: amount, currency: currency, name: "Razorpay", description: "PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION FEES", image: `${process.env.PUBLIC_URL}/assets/images/logo.png`,...
{ // Replace with your key_id key_id: rzp_test_fiIwmRET6CApc2, // Replace with your key_secret key_secret: YAEUthsup8SijNs3iveeVlL1 }); const app = express(); const PORT = process.env.PORT || '5000'; // Here we will create two routes one // /createOrder and other /...