1 curl -u [YOUR_KEY_ID]:[YOUR_KEY_SECRET] \ 2 -X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/subscriptions/sub_00000000000001/addons \ 3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ 4 -d '{ 5 "item":{ 6 "name":"Extra appala (papadum)", 7 "amount":30000, 8 "currency":"INR", 9 "descri...
Api Partners Webhooks Create API Test Keys Create a Webhook POST /v2/accounts/:account_id/webhooks Click to copy Available in India Use this API endpoint to create a webhook. Know about the various error responses for this API. Handy Tips You can create up to 30 webhooks for an ...
setKeyID("Enter your key id here"); // set image checkout.setImage(R.drawable.gfgimage); // initialize json object JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); try { // to put name object.put("name", "Geeks for Geeks"); // put description object.put("description", "Test payment"); ...
Live: Key Id This is where you enter the Key ID that we generated in the previous step. Make sure you input the information correctly. Also make sure you input the LIVE keys, and not the test ones. Live: Key Secret This is where you enter the Key Secret that we generated in the pr...
var options={"key":"rzp_test_fiIwmRET6CApc2","amount":"49900","currency":"INR","name":"Dummy Academy","description":"Pay & Checkout this Course, Upgrade your DSA Skill","image":"https://media.geeksforgeeks.org/wp-content/uploads/20210806114908/dummy-200x200.png","order_id":"order...
RAZORPAY_KEY=rzp_test_XXXXXXXXX RAZORPAY_SECRET=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Read Also:PHP Paypal Payment Gateway Integration Example Step 3: Install razorpay/razorpay Package In this step, we need to install razorpay/razorpay composer package to use razorpay api. so let's run bellow command: ...
Next, you will need to provide some test API Keys first. Login to yourRazorPay accountto obtain these keys. Click onGenerate Test Keys. Once you click on the button, a set of keys will appear. There will be aKey Idand aKey Secret. Simply click to copy to use them in a further...
checkout.setKeyID("rzp_test_LdI1ob5rGXZDF6"); // ... } We will see the full code later on. Step 3 - Create order on server (Optional) You can use your backened custom order id. Create an order using Orders API in server. This generates an order_id when the customer...
DataColada 付款应用 (Razorpay) 安装指南说明书 DataColada Pty Ltd L3, 156 Clarence Street Sydney, NSW 2000 ABN 59 603 638 393 Email:*** DC Payments App Version: 1.0 Installation and Setup Guide (Razorpay)September 2022
const order = await axios.post"http://localhost:8081/api/subscription/pay"); const { amount, id: order_id, currency } = order.data; console.log(order); const options = { key: "rzp_test_asdfg345dfCVBN", amount: amount, currency: currency, name: "Razorpay", description: "PAY YOUR SU...