The Ravi River is one of the eastern tributaries of the River Indus. This study is an attempt of geo-spatial assessment of community vulnerability towards flood along the Ravi River. This study is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data were gathered through questionnaire survey using ...
During the non-breeding season, it inhabits a wide variety of greener habitats including savanna, broad river valleys, woods, lakeshores, swamps, ponds, dams, waterworks and cultivation. Conservation status: IUCN:Least Concern Source :First breeding record of Blue-cheeked Bee-eater discovered in ...
115.8s 47 array(['MonsoonIntensity', 'TopographyDrainage', 'RiverManagement', 'Deforestation', 'Urbanization', 'ClimateChange', 'DamsQuality', 'Siltation', 115.8s 48 'AgriculturalPractices', 'Encroachments', 'IneffectiveDisasterPreparedness', 'DrainageSystems', 'CoastalVulnerability', 'Landslides',...