Length–weight relationships for eight fish species from the Ravi River, north-western IndiaJavaid Mir
During the non-breeding season, it inhabits a wide variety of greener habitats including savanna, broad river valleys, woods, lakeshores, swamps, ponds, dams, waterworks and cultivation. Conservation status: IUCN:Least Concern Source :First breeding record of Blue-cheeked Bee-eater discovered in ...
This river, meandering in zig-zag fashion along the International boundary in Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts of Punjab, poses perennial threats to the nations's economy due to extensive destruction happening every year. An attempt has been made to map the shift of this river and the associated...
(n = 25), Sperata seenghala (n = 26), Labeo gonius (n = 34), Rasbora rasbora (n = 30), Bagarius bagarius (n = 24), Gagata cenia (n = 27), Glyptothorax stoliczkae (n = 24) and Channa orientalis (n = 28) from the Ravi River tributary in North India. ...
for Badis badis (n = 25), Sperata seenghala (n = 26), Labeo gonius (n = 34), Rasbora rasbora (n = 30), Bagarius bagarius (n = 24), Gagata cenia (n = 27), Glyptothorax stoliczkae (n = 24) and Channa orientalis (n = 28) from the Ravi River tributary in North India. ...
Kumar,A.and Dua,A.: Water Quality Indexfor Assessmentof WaterQualityof River Raviat Madhopur, India. GlobalJournal ofEnvironmentalSciences, Vol.8, No.1, pp.49-57(2009).A. Kumar, A. Dua. Water quality index for assessment of water quality of river Ravi at Madhopur (India). Global ...