From rational actor to efficient complexity manager: exorcising the ghost of Homo economicus with a unified synthesis of cogni- tion research. Ecol. Econ. 114, 22-32.Levine, J., Chan, K. M. A., & Satterfield, T. (2015). From rational actor to ef- ficient complexity manager: Exorci...
not only did the diversity in actor perspectives and assumptions become explicit, but the top–down, exclusive and ad-hoc nature of urban logistics planning in Bergen also became apparent as sources of these tensions. The workshop did not aim to reduce...
Their research methodologies differed as well as their agendas. and Kahneman used questionnaires that elicited judgments and choices. These tests were tailored to highlight and isolate where and how our System 1 intuitionsfail,in the sense of deviating from what a rational actor would judge or dec...
The impact of social influence in Australian real estate: Market forecasting with a spatial agent-based model. J. Econ. Interact. Coord. 2021, 1–53. [Google Scholar] Hommes, C.H. On the consistency of backward-looking expectations: The case of the cobweb. J. Econ. Behav. Organ. 1998,...