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Campus ratings should only be posted by students who have attended or are currently attending the specific course, college or university being rated. Rate My Professors is NOT the place to report dangerous, illegal or illicit behaviors. If you believe that you, another professor, or a student...
Know your professor Search UniversityLogin Know them before you take them. Search and rate your professors by your college institution. Register Boost Your Grades College Search your college institution Professor Find your professor by their name ...
And here's where you can find the new list of the 25 highest rated professor in the country, according to RateMyProfessor. The No. 1 teacher is a business professor atSan Jose State University. Lynn O'Shaughnessy is author ofThe College Solution, an Amazon bestseller, and she also write...
At Utah State University, Rate My Professors appears to be wildly popular and successful. USU student Delaney Smith said, “I always look at Rate My Professors. I literally base my entire schedule around that.” The rating website has proved to be crucial in taking classes from professors tha...
RateMyProfessors.com is an online listing service that offers collegiate professor ratings. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore RateMyProfessors.com's full profile.
Janine Wilson is a professor in the Economics department at University of California Davis - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
University of RedlandsCopyright © 2016 by Society for the Teaching of PsychologyTeaching of PsychologySilva, K. M., Silva, F. J., Quinn, M. A., Draper, J. N., Cover, K. R., Munoff, A. A. (2008). Rate My Professor: Online Evaluations of Psychology Instructors. Teaching of ...
rate my professor 是北美最广泛,最全面,最真实对大学教授打分评价的网站。经受多伦多大学各位奇葩教授折磨的孩子们在这个网站上写出了自己的心声。今天我们邀请到了几位教授来亲自念一念rate my professor网站上的评价,看看他们对这些学生的肺腑之言是怎么回应的呢?,