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Campus ratings should only be posted by students who have attended or are currently attending the specific course, college or university being rated. Rate My Professors is NOT the place to report dangerous, illegal or illicit behaviors. If you believe that you, another professor, or a student...
教授:即刻挑战全网最差评分professor 选课看rate my professor有多不靠谱?请看VCR: #留学 #留学教授 #大学生活 #大学选课 #海外生活 - Kate学姐讲留学于20250125发布在抖音,已经收获了33.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Know your professor Search UniversityLogin Know them before you take them. Search and rate your professors by your college institution. Register Boost Your Grades College Search your college institution Professor Find your professor by their name ...
Rate My Professor,一家基于学生反馈的最好的给大学教授评估和打分的网站,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。该网站发布了一个年度大学排名,一起来看看美国学生心仪的大学有哪些,有没有你喜欢的?
近日Rate My Professor,一家基于学生反馈的最好的给大学教授评估和打分的网站,很多学生在选课的时候都会先上这个网站看下任课教授的分数再决定要不要选择这个教授的课。该网站发布了一个年度大学排名,一起来看看美国学生心仪的大学有哪些,有没有你喜欢的?
就在最近,Rate My Professor网站官宣了一个年度大学的排名,让我们一起看看美国本土大学生心仪的大学(大学教授)有哪些。 10. 密歇根大学University of Michigan 密歇根大学(英文:University of Michigan,缩写:UM)创建于1817年,位于美国密歇根州,历史悠久,被誉为“公立常春藤”和“公立大学的典范”,与加州大学伯克利分校...
At Utah State University, Rate My Professors appears to be wildly popular and successful. USU student Delaney Smith said, “I always look at Rate My Professors. I literally base my entire schedule around that.” The rating website has proved to be crucial in taking classes from professors tha...
Rate My Professors NEEDS to have this feature for Master & PhD Students. So far, Rate My Professor ONLY works for Undergraduate Students & some Medical Students teaching classes ONLY but NOT for other University things. 3) ratemyprofessor.com seems to be used by lazy incompetent students who ...
美国有一个学生极其热衷的网站:Ratemyprofessor,学生们热衷于到这个网站对学校、教授进行打分、评论。 就像买东西前要先看买家评论一样,每年选课选校之前,学生也会上这个网站逛一圈,看看哪些教授、学校的分数评价更高,再决定选课选校的事情。 这个网站最近又搞事情了,根据各大高校学生们给出的的评分,对全美上千所...