Claims her class average should be a C-, even though students taking the class need at least a C for the course to even be accepted for graduate school. She also claims a C in her class is really a B somewhere else. Try telling that to graduate programs for your students. Tough ...
Since, in October 2005, there were 600,000 rated faculty in 5200 universities or 115.4 faculty per school (600,000/5200 = 115.4) there must be many schools that have very few ratings. If we used a random sampling procedure where all faculty rated in could be chosen ...
I am decent at math, but this is way beyond my understanding of the material. Oh come on, I am competing with a bunch of graduate students, seriously? Tough GraderSkip class? You won't pass.TEST HEAVY Helpful 3 25 Quality 2.0 Difficulty 5.0 STA137 Dec 12th, 2017 For Credit: Yes ...
which was flagged by Michael Thaddeus, a math professor at the school. And Columbia isn't alone in sending incorrect data to the publication: University of Southern California Rossier School of Education in June said itmisreported
He added, "The best school is where my student is going to learn the most." What qualities make a good school? Education experts are increasingly asking whether there are more effective methods of evaluating colleges, as well as assessing the value of a college degree. ...
The graduate outcomes for the University of Exeter show that six months after leaving university, 90% of graduates are in work or further study. The typical graduate salary six months after leaving the University of Exeter is £24 - £27K a year. (Source: HESA Graduate Outcomes Data Sur...
The graduate outcomes for the University of Exeter show that six months after leaving university, 90% of graduates are in work or further study. The typical graduate salary six months after leaving the University of Exeter is £24 - £27K a year. (Source: HESA Graduate Outcomes Data Sur...
I’m not sure what the user rates look like these days Gerard. I agree that as students enter graduate studies, they “recognize good teaching.” However, I would also submit that they get better teaching as they go as well. It’s well known that a lot of terrible profs teach to intr...
aSince the end of May, I have had the privilege of meeting Chinese women professors at the country’s universities. As an assistant professor in management and American histo¬ry in California and a doctoral student in higher education management at Claremont Graduate School, I have a special...
I understand in the mid ninties he was still doing this to his graduate students. Smart guy a moral the school should have clamped down on the nonsense. Helpful 0 0 Quality 1.5 Difficulty 4.0 HIST3 Dec 28th, 2012 Textbook: No He makes you buy his textbook, goes over information about ...