Rat-positive samples (two or more indications) in group C (s ±/c+ NTM) with concurrent molecular test result (per-sample analysis).Klaus, ReitherLevan, JugheliTracy, R. GlassMohamed, SasamaloFrancis, A. MhimbiraBart, J. Weetjens
The number of 3β-HSD positive cells are expressed relative to the percentage of the tile that was occupied by seminiferous cords. Normally distributed data was analysed using one-way ANOVA or Student’s t-test, whilst non-parametric data was analysed using the Mann–Whitney test. All ...
stage 3, paired T-test, p = 0.03). This result demonstrated that the TREM-based brain control model requires more Forward instructions for the rat cyborgs to complete the same turning tasks. The reason for more Forward instructions with the TREM-based brain control model was the rat ...
For counting the fibrocytes in the lung, two observers assessed the number of double-positive fibrocytes. Ten fields were randomly selected to be examined, and the number of double-positive fibrocytes was counted and calculated as the mean number of positively stained cells per total number of ...
A: Brain sections analyzed with Th-S present a big Th-S-positive deposit as a result of the infusion. B: Interestingly, adjacent sections showed laminin staining around the amyloid deposit (arrowheads) that correspond to neurons with increased laminin immunoreactivity (inset, arrows). Original ...
To assess the retention of spatial memory, a probe test was conducted after the last training trail (5 days) in which the hidden platform was removed. Thereafter, the animal was placed in a novel start position farthest from the platform; the percent time in the target (platform) quadrant ...
To test whether genes in the rapidly evolving GO categories were under positive selection, we used a branch likelihood ratio test to identify positively selected genes in the NMR and DMR lineages (Table S3). Download: Download full-size image Figure 4. Adaptive Evolution in the NMR and DMR ...
death, we performed NeuN/Cl-Caspase3 immunofluorescent double-labeling staining and found significant neuronal apoptosis in the brain sections from 12-month-oldAppNL-G-Frats (Supplementary information, Fig. S8g). In addition, we also examined apoptosis in female homozygous rats. TUNEL-positive immu...
1a). We have also analyzed the transitions the subject mice made between the two stimuli along the time course of the test (Fig. 1b). We found a high level of transitions at early stages, with a clear peak of the mean transition rate (red line) around 50 s from the test start,...
Positive cells were detected with flow cytometry (MUSE, Merck Millipore). 2.7. Total RNA preparation and real-time PCR Total RNA was extracted from INS-1 cells with a High Pure RNA Kit (OMEGA, Norcross, GA, USA) and reverse-transcribed into complementary DNA using the PrimeScript™ RT-PCR...