Raster Dataset properties example (stand-alone script) The following stand-alone script displays some properties for a raster dataset. import arcpy # Create a Describe object from the raster dataset # desc = arcpy.Describe("\\cacheqa1\Datasets\temp\FGDB.gdb\hrrr1") # Print some raster data...
Mosaic datasets have additional properties to control their behavior. For more information, seeMosaic dataset properties. General properties TheGeneralproperties tab contains information specific to the storage format and other information used to support the format and display the data. ...
|Create Pan-sharpened Raster Dataset|创建全色锐化的栅格数据集| |Extract Subdataset|提取子数据集| |Raster To DTED|栅格转数字地形高程| |Resample|重采样| |Split Raster|分割栅格| |Raster Properties|栅格属性| |Add Colormap |添加色彩映射表| |Batch Build Pyramids|批量构建金字塔| |Batch Calculate ...
GetRasterProperties_management (in_raster, {property_type}) ParameterExplanationData Type in_raster The input raster dataset. Raster Layer property_type (Optional) The property to be obtained from the raster dataset. <esri_enumhead><esri_enumvaluehd><esri_enumdeschd> MINIMUM —Returns the smallest...
Get Raster Properties获得栅格的信息 Get Raster Properties获得栅格的信息 Summary Returns the properties of a raster dataset. Usage The property returned will be displayed in the geoprocessing window. Syntax GetRasterProperties_management (in_raster, {property_type})...
1 安装ArcGIS软件。具体的安装教程详见引用文档。2 找到ArcGIS桌面快捷图标,打开ArcGIS软件。打开后的ArcGIS界面如下图所示。3 在图层出右击,选择添加图层,添加需要处理的遥感影像。4 打开ARCtoolbox,找到copyraster工具。路径:ArcToolbox—Data Management Tools—Raster—Raster Dataset—CopyRaster。5 copy raster...
In Arcmap, The statistics for a raster dataset can be viewed on the Raster Dataset Properties dialog box. Below is an example showing the statistics for a thematic raster dataset such as a land-use dataset. Statistics are calculated for each band; if there is more than one band in the ra...
MembersNameDescription AssignRasterBandProperties Assign raster band properties. AssignRasterDatasetProperties Assign raster dataset properties.Classes that implement IDERasterUtilitiesClassesDescription DERasterUtilities Raster Data Element Utilities object.
Raster オブジェクトのプロパティのリストについては、「Raster オブジェクトのプロパティのリスト」をご参照ください。 Raster オブジェクトは、Spatial Analyst ツールで左側の出力として作成されます。 # rasObject is a Raster object pointing to a temporary # raster dataset rasObject = ...
The name of this function raster dataset. void setFunctionByRef(IRasterFunction ppFunction) The raster function. void setPropertiesByRef(IPropertySet ppProperties) The function raster dataset proprties. void simplify() Simplifies the function raster dataset by removing redundant raster functions.Field...