arcpy.conversion.LasDatasetToRaster(in_las_dataset, out_raster, {value_field}, {interpolation_type}, {data_type}, {sampling_type}, {sampling_value}, {z_factor}) 参数说明数据类型 in_las_dataset 待处理的 LAS 数据集。 LAS Dataset Layer ...
Raster Dataset Value Field (Optional) Specifies the information from the lidar data that will be used to generate the raster output. Elevation—Elevation from the lidar files will be used to create the raster. This is the default. Intensity—Intensity information from the lidar files will be use...
Color Model Conversion function Colormap function Colormap To RGB function Grayscale function LAS Dataset To Raster function LAS To Raster function Rasterize Attributes function Rasterize Features function Spectral Conversion function Terrain To Raster function Trend to RGB function Unit Conversion function ...
LasDatasetToRaster las2Raster = new LasDatasetToRaster(); /*定义转换参数*/ //输入的LAS数据集,这是必填参数 las2Raster.in_las_dataset = @"D:\las转raster\test.lasd"; //输出的栅格数据集,这也是必填参数 string outRtFullName = @"D:\las转raster\rasterdatabase.gdb\project"; las2Raster.out...
The LasDatasetToRasterFunction class. Product Availability Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Interfaces InterfacesDescription IPersist (esriSystem) IPersistStream (esriSystem) IRasterFunction (esriDataSourcesRaster) Provides access to members that control a raster function...
Description 'The LasDatasetToRasterFunction arguments.' Generator Options: PromptForTypeLibraries = False ClashPrefix = esri_ LowerCaseMemberNames = True IDispatchOnly = False RetryOnReject = False AwtForOcxs = True ArraysAsObjects = False DontRenameSameMethods = False Impl...
ClickRun. The new dataset created by theLAS Dataset To Rastertool is automatically added to the map. The image below shows the vertical unit for the dataset is converted to feet in ArcGIS Pro.
The ArcGIS Enterprise Software Development Kit (SDK) allows developers to extend the functionality of ArcGIS Server map services published via ArcGIS Pro.
[LAS データセット → ラスター (LAS Dataset to Raster)]ジオプロセシング ツールを使用して、強度画像を作成する。 ポイントの状態の LAS データセットおよび ArcGIS 編集ツールを使用し、新規フィーチャを対話的にデジタイズする。 1.4 用作栅格的LAS点统计数据(LasPointStatsAsRaster) 1.4.1 描述 创建栅格文件,栅格的像元值反映LAS数据集所引用的LAS文件的测量值的相关统计信息。 1.4.2 参数说明 paramoptionaldestype 输入LAS数据集/ in_las_dataset false 待处理的LAS数据集 LAS Dataset Layer 输出...