1. 栅格数据集 它集成了栅格数据集(Raster Dataset)和栅格目录(Raster Catalog)所有功能和和优势,并加入 新的特性以解决传统影像管 … wenku.baidu.com|基于88个网页 2. 栅格类型 // 2-在内置栅格类型(Raster Dataset)的栅格构造器上附加自定义的栅格构造器IAppendedBuilder pAppendedBuilder = new C… ...
raster catalog通常包含有多个raster dataset。raster dataset一个栅格数据。前面那个叫目录,后面那个叫文件,和电脑中的目录(文件夹)和文件差不多的,文件夹里面可以放很多文件,如果把GDB看作是个大文件夹,raster catalog就是你在这个大文件夹里面建立一个子文件夹存放栅格数据,raster dataset是你直接...
year = TextBox1.Text '闰年 Dim MerageMatrixLeapYear(11) As String '对应规则 MerageMatrixLeapYear(0) = "01001017" MerageMatrixLeapYear(1) = "02033049" MerageMatrixLeapYear(2) = "03065081" MerageMatrixLeapYear(3) = "04097113" MerageMatrixLeapYear(4) = "05129145" MerageMatrixLeapYear(5) =...
IRasterBand myRasterBand = myRasterBandCollection.Item(0); IRasterDataset myRasterDataset = myRasterBand as IRasterDataset; 2.由RasterDataset 到RasterLayer 1 IRasterLayer pRasterLayer = new RasterLayerClass(); 2 3 pRasterLayer.CreateFromDataset(pRasterDataset); 4 5 axMapControl1.Map.AddLaye...
RasterDataset theRasterDataset = (RasterDataset) obj;Method Summary All MethodsStatic MethodsInstance MethodsConcrete Methods Modifier and TypeMethod and Description void add(IRasterBand element, int index) Adds a RasterBand to the band collection. void alterAttributeTable(ITable newTable) Alters th...
Raster Dataset / Raster Dataset The “Raster” group in “Data” contains the functions for processing raster dataset. ### Mosaic It is used to combine two or more raster datasets to a raster dataset that takes the geographic coordinates as reference. ### Update Data Use the contents of one...
拿一个类举例,以FeatureDatasetClass类举例,按道理来说他是矢量数据集,应该是有矢量数据集的接口的,事实也是有的,即IFeatureDataset,但是因为他也是地理数据集的一部分,因此他也是有着IGeoDataset的接口的,是的,确实有。 一个地理数据集可以有多个矢量文件,一个矢量文件只能对应一个图层或者属性表,一个FeatureClass,属...
Raster Dataset properties example (stand-alone script) The following stand-alone script displays some properties for a raster dataset. importarcpy# Create a Describe object from the raster dataset#desc=arcpy.Describe("\\cacheqa1\Datasets\temp\FGDB.gdb\hrrr1")# Print some raster dataset properties...
There are three ways to organize your raster data (raster data models): the raster dataset, the mosaic dataset, and the raster catalog.
import arcpy # Create a Describe object from the raster dataset # desc = arcpy.Describe("\\cacheqa1\Datasets\temp\FGDB.gdb\hrrr1") # Print some raster dataset properties # print("Band Count: %d" % desc.bandCount) print("Compression Type: %s" % desc.compressionType) print("Raster Format...