【关键词】 Narcotrend 指数 ; Richmond 躁动 - 镇静评分 ; 机械通气 ; 浅镇静 基金项目 :安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2016A718) DOI :10.3760/cma.j.issn.2095-4352.2019.06.015 Application of Narcotrend index and Richmond agitation-sedation score in sedation assessment of patients with short-term ...
(nmol/L :327.03±41.04比358.12±70.01,P<0.05).结论 应用NTI监测指导胰十二指肠切除术后短时程机械通气患者浅镇静治疗可更好地实现浅镇静目标的达成.%Objective To explore the feasibility of Narcotrend index (NTI) for digital monitoring of light sedation depth in patients undergoing short-term mechan...
The RASS has been demonstrated to have excellent interrater reliability in a broad range of adult medical and surgical ICU patients and to have excellent validity when compared with a visual analogue scale and selected sedation scales.29 The current investigation was designed to extend the ...
were significantly decreased in the SE group at 48 h. At the same time, the incidence of attempted extubation and sputum aspiration agitation in SE group was significantly lower than that in RASS group, suggesting that SE monitoring can effectively reduce the short-term adverse reactions in ...
In this st udy, 37 well full-term infants were fed ad libitum for 12 weeks with either breast milk or with one o f two formulas caseins, 60:40 or F2=l. 5% prot. ; w(Fh1e=y1p.5r%otps.ro: t . , whey caseins, prots .: 18:82 ). No differences between feeding groups were...
2b). Re-expression of RASSF2 was sufficient to block RUNX1-ETO-mediated long-term clonogenic self-renewal after 3–4 weeks (Fig. 3b, c). We also assessed RASSF2-mediated tumor suppression in vivo using a murine retroviral transduction and transplantation model of t(8;21) AML with the ...
[3, 4]. In spite of emerging new treatments, such as laparoscopic surgery, more-aggressive resection, radiotherapy, neo- adjuvant and palliative chemotherapies, few changes in long-term survival rate can be observed [5, 6]. Therefore, © The Author(s) 2020. This article is licensed under...
The RASS has been demonstrated to have excellent interrater reliability in a broad range of adult medical and surgical ICU patients and to have excellent validity when compared with a visual analogue scale and selected sedation scales.29 The current investigation was designed to extend the ...