sumo- a Japanese form of wrestling; you lose if you are forced out of a small ring or if any part of your body (other than your feet) touches the ground wrestling hold- a hold used in the sport of wrestling full nelson- a wrestling hold in which the holder puts both arms under the...
Medical raspberry 1.anyofthepricklyshrubsoftherosaceousgenusRubus,suchasR.strigosusof ENorthAmericaandR.idaeusofEurope,thathavepinkish-whiteflowersandtypicallyredberry-likefruits(drupelets) 2. a.thefruitofanysuchplant b.(asmodifier):#5raspberryjelly ...
Increased cardiovascular risk is linked to a rise in the proportion of the electronegative LDL form (LDL(-)) present in the blood. Laboratory experiments have revealed that LDL(-) displays pro-atherogenic attributes, such as a heightened tendency towards aggregation, the capacity to stimulate ...
Small-molecule compounds that even partially restore the GTPase activity of RASG12V can be used in anticancer therapy. Until now, attempts to obtain such compounds have failed. Compounds with this ability have been defined in our research. The compounds
Full size image K3 locks wild-type KRAS in a conformation harboring a SII/α3 pocket Affimer K3 lacks the PWFQxN motif of Affimers K6 and K37 and has a different biochemical profile in terms of mutant and isoform specificities. The underlying reasons for this were confirmed by determining ...
This analysis revealed that RasV12 activation accelerates the rate of post-mitotic respreading (Figure 1B) and results in a significant increase in respread cell area within 10 min of the onset of anaphase (Figure 1C). Download: Download high-res image (1MB) Download: Download full-size ...
A. Structure and dynamics of the full-length lipid-modified H-Ras protein in a 1,2-dimyristoylglycero-3-phosphocholine bilayer. J. Med. Chem. 50, 674–684 (2007). CAS PubMed Google Scholar Thapar, R., Williams, J. G. & Campbell, S. L. NMR characterization of full-length ...
Sign in to download full-size image Fig. 2. The life cycle of Haplorchis taichui. The metacercarial cysts (Fig. 3A) are slightly elliptical, 0.19–0.22 × 0.16–0.19 mm in size, and encyst in the cartilage of the dorsal fin, head, buccal cavity, and gill (Komiya, 1965), as well...
Fig. 1: Injury-induced aberrant growth ofHrasG12V/+cells is suppressed in mosaic skin. a, Left, cartoon depicting the 4-mm full-thickness wound (W) on a mouse ear and the imaged area. Centre, top-down (x–y; top) and transverse (x–z; bottom) views of a two-photon image of th...
Full size table In the exploratory cohort as well as in the validation cohort, p53 IHC low expression was 41% (36/88 and 13/32 patients, respectively). p53 IHC overexpression was found in the 59% of patients in both cohorts (52/88 patients in the exploratory cohort and 19/32 patients ...