A 53-year-old woman presented with a pru-ritic rash on the back of her left thigh that had persisted for six months. She had no new contacts and had not taken any new medications. The rash had partially responded to a moderate-potency topical steroid cream, but never fully resolved. ...
Posted by Diana (Ca) on 09/17/2016 ★★★ I have been drinking borax, about 1/4 tsp in a glass of water in the morning for about a week. Haven't noticed much change yet. Last night, I was in pain after two nights of a rash with welts and itching on my thigh. Maybe heat ra...
I have super itchy red bumps on my inner thigh, underarms and inside the elbows. They get dark and then seem to dry out. They have been spreading since February and last time I had it it lasted 4 months and then back to this. It's scary coz I keep scratching and embarrassing as ...
Ihavenoideawhatis upwithmydaughtersdiaperrash,sheis ayearoldandI doeverythingtokeepthisrashfromcoming,butitcomesback!AllweekIhaveletherrunwithoutadiaperontryingtoletitairoutasmuchaspossible,(thankgodforcarpetshampooers).Isthereanysecretthatsomeonehastogettingridofthisrash?
The remainder of her review of systems was unremarkable. On physical examination, there were numerous erythematous edematous coalescing papules and plaques on the upper and lower extremities and scattered erythematous papules and plaques on the back and buttocks (Figure, A). Some plaques were...
The Hoplite Armor is strategically placed on the hip and thigh of the bib shorts, as well as the arms, shoulder, and outer edges of the back on the jerseys. The outer edge of the arm and knee warmers also feature an extra protective layer of fabric. ...
I can help to give you all possible diagnoses if I can see the current rash. Could you please send me a recent picture of the rash?You need to apply the cream when the rash comes and leave it on but the cream shouldn't be applied more than twice a day.Take care.Take care Diploma...
Additionally, the patient was also on co-trimoxazole for Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia prophylaxis. On examination, erythematous and violaceous plaques and nodules were noted at the right leg with the lesions clustering and coalescing at the right medial thigh. A few of the lesions appeared ...
She developed multiple,painful, erythema nodules on the leg and thigh following a minor trauma. Mucormycosis wasdiagnosed by skin biopsy. Microscopic examination also showed panniculitis. The patient treated successfully with amphotericin B and surgical resection. To the best of our knowledge, this is...