Pimples.Baby acne usually involves clusters of tiny red pimples and whiteheads. Irritated cheeks.Baby acne usually develops on the cheeks, but it can also appear on baby’s nose, forehead, chest, back and sometimes behind the ears and on the scalp. ...
PUPPP is an itchy, bumpy rash — annoying but benign — that usually develops on the abdomen in stretch marks and sometimes appears on the thighs, buttocks or arms. It’s most common in first-time mothers and those carrying multiples. Sometimes itching can become very severe and spread to t...
There are many causes for aleg rash. Some of the types which are likely to appear on the legs are discussed in this section. Lichen Planus or LPis a disease characterized by raised or swollen itchy skin. It usually is found on the ankles, inner part of the thighs, the forearms, but ...
Common symptoms of diaper rash include: Red or brown bumps which may be harder to see on darker skin tones, along with larger areas of sensitive or irritated skin around the diaper area or in the folds of your baby’s upper thighs
During the temperature spikes she became flushed and developed an erythematous, confluent rash mainly on the thighs and back. There was no lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly, and no sign of diabetic complications (including foot ulceration). Baseline investigations on admission are shown in Table ...
Ihavenoideawhatis upwithmydaughtersdiaperrash,sheis ayearoldandI doeverythingtokeepthisrashfromcoming,butitcomesback!AllweekIhaveletherrunwithoutadiaperontryingtoletitairoutasmuchaspossible,(thankgodforcarpetshampooers).Isthereanysecretthatsomeonehastogettingridofthisrash?
As babies continue to grow and develop, their skin changes and adapts– and this includes dealing with baby eczema, heat rash, diaper rash, and allergic reactions. Rashes of all kinds are common in the early stages of a baby’s life, and once identified, are nearly always treatable. Whethe...
What are those little white bumps that appear on your upper arms, thighs and backside? They're blocked hair follicles, but they aren't the same as ingrown hairs. These little bumps are called keratosis pilaris, and they're caused by a buildup of keratin, a natural protein in the skin....
Molluscum warts are another type of wart, but have a different appearance and usually occur on the chest or upper thighs. They are smooth, skin-colored bumps that have a dimple in the center and usually occur in clusters. The size can vary, from the tip of a ball-point pen to about ...
The rash appears as red bumps that spreads from the chest and back to the rest of the body. It can be extremely itchy. In rare cases, drug rashes can be life threatening. If you also have a fever,facial swelling, swollen lymph nodes, skinblisters, skin pain, or ulcers on the mouth ...