## 名称:R完成Rasch Model 分析示例 ## 作者:原作者:Hansjörg Plieninger,编写-Wenchengg2009 ## 日期:2020年9月23日 ## 原文地址:https://hansjoerg.me/2018/04/23/rasch-in-r-tutorial/ ### ### 1. 准备分析环境 # 安装需要的三个包,eRM, Ltm, difR list.of.packages <- c("eRm", "ltm...
Birnbaum, A. (1968). Some latent trait models and their use in inferring an examinee's ability. In F. M. Lord & M. R. Novick (Eds.), Statistical theories of mental test scores. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Bond, T.G., & Fox, C.M. (2015). Applying the Rasch model: Fundamenta...
Rasch模型家族中的Partial Credit Model(PCM)几乎将所有二元计分、评定量尺计分、部分计分、二项式尝试计分、泊松计次(Poisson counts)计分等类型的计量资料都涵盖在此类型的计分范畴内,因此说它是Rasch模型家族的通式,也不足为过。PCM可以适用的资料范围相当广泛,下面举例的各种资料类型,无论是教育学还是心理...
M. (2007). Applying the Rasch model: 到了实际应用的佐证。 Lexile 系统 (Stenner, Fundamental measurement in the human sciences (2nd Sanford, Burdick, 2007)便是其中较为成功的一 ed.). Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. 个范例。Lexile 是一个英文阅读评估系统, 其基 Bowles, R. P., Ram, N. (2006)...
This chapter deals with the generalization of the Rasch model to a discrete mixture distribution model. Its basic assumption is that the Rasch model holds within subpopulations of individuals, but with different parameter values in each subgroup. These subpopulations are not defined by manifest indicato...
In correspondence with pertinent statistical tests, it is of practical importance to design data-sampling when the Rasch model is used for calibrating an achievement test. That is, determining the sample size according to a given type-I- and type-II-risk, and according to a certain effect of...
sm = pystan(model_code=lrte) #pystan model#index 9是实际后验参数值出现在数据帧中的地方#我们希望得到后验抽样的平均值meaahas = preaha.man()\[9:\].asaix()plt.figure()plt.scatter(alha, meanphas)#为beta绘制图表lntrt = bamn()plt.figure()plt.scar(beas, men_eas)#为thetas绘制图表linSar...
sm = pystan(model_code=lrte) #pystan model #index 9是实际后验参数值出现在数据帧中的地方 #我们希望得到后验抽样的平均值 meaahas = preaha.man()[9:].asaix() plt.figure() plt.scatter(alha, meanphas) #为beta绘制图表 lntrt = bamn() ...
Application of Rasch Model in Quality Analysis of Test Papers--Taking the Technical and Engineering Literacy Test Paper of Sixth Grade Science for Example 作者: 柏毅[1,2,3];朱文琴[1];陈慧珍[1] 作者机构: [1]东南大学儿童发展与学习科学教育部重点实验室、儿童发展与教育研究所,南京2100...
如针对二级计分数据的Rasch模型(Rasch model)、单参数logistic模型(one-parameter logistic model, 1PL)、两参数logistic模型(two-parameter logistic model, 2PL)、三参数logistic模型(three-parameter logistic model, 1PL)和四参数logistic模型(four-parameter logistic model, 1PL),针对多级计分数据的等级反应模型(...