EMBRETSON, S.E., 2007, Mixed Rasch models for measurement in cognitive psychology. In: M. von Davier, C.H. Carstensen (Eds.), Multivariate and mixture distribution Rasch models: Extensions and applications. New York: Springer.Embretson, S. E. (2006). Mixed Rasch models for measurement ...
(1988). Rasch models for measurement. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.Andrich, D. (2004). Controversy and the Rasch model: a characteristic of incompatible paradigms? Medical Care, 42, 1-16.Baker, F. The Basics of Item Response Theory. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation, ...
Bond, T.G., & Fox, C.M. (2015). Applying the Rasch model: Fundamental measurement in the human sciences (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. Rasch, G. (1960). Probabilistic models for some intelligence and attainment tests (Reprint, with Foreword and Afterword by B. D. Wright, Chic...
乔治·拉什在著作《测量智力和学业成就的概率》(Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment)(Georg Rasch,1960/1980)中总结了他在测量方面的研究成果,其研究开启了社会科学关于测量的一种新范式。正如范·德·林登(van der...
当当书之源外文图书在线销售正版《预订 Rasch Models for Solving Measurement Problems: Invariant Measurement [ISBN:9781544363028]》。最新《预订 Rasch Models for Solving Measurement Problems: Invariant Measurement [ISBN:9781544363028]》简介、书评、试读、价
Meeting Students Where They Are: Using Rasch Modeling for Improving the Measurement of Active Research in Higher EducationPublished: 01 February 2023 Volume 48, pages 557–577, (2023) Cite this article Innovative Higher Education Aims and scope Submit manuscript ...
Georg Rasch was a Danish mathematician, statistician, and psychometrician, most famous for the development of a class of measurement models known as Rasch models. In 1919, Rasch began studying mathematics at the University of Copenhagen. He completed a masters degree in 1925 and received a doctora...
To that end, both confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Rasch (1980) models were used to assess measurement invariance. Results revealed a unidimensional construct with factorial-level measurement invariance across disability status (students with and without specific learning disabilities), but not ...
Rasch models for measurement. In: Report no.: 68, Quantitative Applications in the social sciences. Newbury Park, CA: sage; 1988. Google Scholar Andrich D. Rasch models for ordered response categories. In: Everitt BS, Howell DC, editors. Encyclopedia of Statistics in Behavioral Science. ...
脑卒中简明IC F 核心要素信和效度检验的R a sc h 模型分析卫小梅胡昔权窦祖林郭铁成喻勇. 临床研究.【摘要】目的运用多层面R a se h 模型检验中国版脑卒中国际功能、 残疾与健康分类( IC F )核心要素的信度和效度。 方法由2名评定员对38 例脑卒中患者采用中国版简明IC F 核心要素的“身体功能” 成分包含...