Stay tuned for more details on how this plays out as my advertising days with COIN World will be a function of how they handle this situation given yesterday email from Brenda Wyen asking me to advertise in the January issue for the upcoming FUN show. Does COIN World management understand w...
a medium of exchange for some goods and services, but there has not been universal acceptance of Bitcoin as a form of payment. It has recently garnered attention as an asset class as the price has skyrocketed. Almost anyone can own a tinyfractionof a Bitcoin through sites such a...
BWLCH GWYN, in the Parish of TOWYN, iu the County of Merioneth, near the Market Towns of Macliyitllelh, Dolgelley, and Aberystwiih, and coinalolng lo^ eibrr A. * 1 II 3<> P. of A. « ble, Ale a dow, and Pasture Land, with Sheepwalks on the adjoining Hills capable of ...
Isn't this akin to having a rare coin with a date of 200 B.C.? Anyway, these prizes are not true first editions, but evidently some sort of lame, propaganda ploy used by publishers to pimp their sales numbers. First Thus. After a book runs its commercial course with its original ...
Walker, for passing- bad coin ; !) « . « . Meany. for iituing a gamiiig toblt; J. Wjiorf- house. for bad behaviour; and Lucy rtnil Eliza- beth Ward, for not being able to giv8 any Sa- tisfactory account of themselves. Yesterday, a vagrant was publicly v, tilpn? d ...
to two of whom, ( viz. Chair, and John Taylor, for coun- terfeiting the current coin of the realm-,) the Learned Judge gate no hopes of mercy—| In this case, the officers from Birmingham found on the prisoners premises many dies for coining sovereigns, half- crowns, and other coins...