such as 1841, 1854, and 1863, are going to be immediate no-gos for most collectors due to the extreme rarity and high cost of at least one issue. Other US gold coin years contain mainly uninteresting coins and a specialized set of, say, 1899 gold coins just isn’t a worthwhile project...
Gerry's Daily Blog is published as a service to Gerry Fortin Rare Coins customers and features up to date numismatic and financial news, new purchases and consignments.
There are 116 New Coins for Sale.Photo Denom Date Grade TPG Variety GFRC Rating Price Description Buy Barber 25C 1893 PR66CAM CACG 26926007 Gem $2725 New February 16! Superb Eye Appeal, Watery Mirrored Fields, Peripheral Copper-Gold, Port Matilda Collection. There are certain coins that ...
Searching through change seemed to be the most cost effective way for me to add coins to my collection at such a young age. I soon began begging my parents to take me to local banks to buy rolls of coins to go through. My order regularly consisted of $50 of pennies and $100 of ...
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Coins Signature Sale, Lot 3382. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval. The label documents the Bender Collection pedigree. PCGS #4651. Reserve: $8500 Auction Opens9:00pm Saturday March 22nd Seated 10C 1871MS66 PCGS 25256558 F-102aGem Gem Original, Gerry Fortin ...