The meaning of RAPPORT is a friendly, harmonious relationship; especially : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy. How to use rapport in a sentence. Did you know?
/ French (ɑ̃ rapɔr) / adjective, adverb(postpositive) in sympathy, harmony, or accord Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012...
"the describing of events in writing," 1898, a French word in English, from Frenchrapportage, literally "tale-telling," fromrapporter"to bring back; refer to" (seerapport). ad- word-forming element expressing direction toward or in addition to, from Latinad"to, toward" in space or time...
rapport 融洽,和谐 来自法语 rapporter,带回,来自 re-,往回,ap-,向,-port,带,承载,词源同 comport,portable. 引申词义恢复,融洽,和谐。 英文词源 rapport (n.) 1660s, "reference, relation, relationship," from Frenchrapport"bearing, yield, produce; harmony, agreement, intercourse," back-formation from...
Formerly often used as a French word, and inen rapport. Johnson [1755] frowns on the word and credits its use in English to Sir William Temple, notorious naturalizer of French terms, who did use it but was not the first. Fowler writes that it was "formerly common enough to be regarded...
The word rapportbears a resemblance to a more common English word, report, which is no coincidence: both words come ultimately from the Latin verb portare, meaning "to carry," and both traveled through French words meaning "to bring back" on their way to English. Report has been in use ...
The meaning of PRONUNCIATION is the act or manner of pronouncing something. How to use pronunciation in a sentence. Is it 'pronunciation' or 'pronounciation'?
This paper is an effort towards determining the efficacy of the interpretative theory in the transmission of meaning. In view of this, the paper examines the interpretative theory of translation through the analysis of extracts from the English -- French translation ...
\usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{blindtext} % With no package options, the submission will be anonymized, the supplemental % material will be suppressed, and line numbers will be added to the manuscript. % % To hide the supplementary material (e.g., for the first submission deadline...
rapport 融洽,和谐 来自法语 rapporter,带回,来自 re-,往回,ap-,向,-port,带,承载,词源同 comport,portable. 引申词义恢复,融洽,和谐。英文词源rapport (n.) 1660s, "reference, relation, relationship," from French rapport "bearing, yield, produce; harmony, agreement, intercourse," back-formation ...