Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. courtesan noun(History)mistress,prostitute,whore,call girl,working girl(facetious slang),kept woman,harlot,paramour,scarlet woman,hetaera,demimondaine,fille de joie(French)a courtesan who was kept by ...
OK, Georgina, we’ll find out ‘later’ - another Old English word there! But it’s not just words that survive from Anglo-Saxon, it’s word endings too – thesuffix, or letters added to the end of a word to modify its meaning...
GPAGestation pour Autrui(French: Surrogacy) GPAGlobal Political Agreement(Zimbabwean reform agreement) GPAGreyhound Pets of America GPAGovernment Procurement Agreement(World Trade Organization) GPAGewerkschaft der Privatangestellten(Vienna, Austria)
Rapport de la Commission sur l’égalité en matière d’emploi, Rosalie Silberman Abella (OCLC 16024519) Research Studies of the Commission on Equality in Employment, Rosalie Silberman Abella (OCLC 503015915) Focus on Employment Equity. A Critique of the Abella Royal Commission Report, Walter Block...
RDSRapport de Sûreté(French: Safety Analysis Report; nuclear installations) RDSRenegade Death Squad(gaming clan) RDSRetail Delivery System RDSRecycling & Disposal Service, Inc.(Washington) RDSRapport Dialup Switch RDSRaptor Design Studio(Fremont, OH) ...
VRVeiligheidsrapport(Dutch: Safety Report) VRValve-Regulated(battery) VRVoluntary Redundancy VRVisiting Researcher VRVoltage Relay VRVisual Route VRVendor Relations VRVoltage Rectifier VRValtion Rautatiet(Railways of Finland) VRVoyage Repair VRVacuum Residue ...
Du Régime Général Et De La Preuve Des Obligations. 2016. Rapport Au Président De La République Relatif À L'ordonnance N° 2016–131 Du 10 Février 2016, ‘Portant Réforme Du Droit Des Contrats’ de QueirozBarBoza, Estefânia Maria., and KozicKi Katya. 2019. Common Law and Civil La...
aThe Quality Guarantee Dept shall conduct annual inter audit program, and report to the MR for approval. The program shall have intervals and be conducted once a year at least Le département de garantie de qualité conduira inter annuel auditent le programme, et le rapport à M. pour approb...
All credit to the team for delivering the work to such a high standard – with the client (Activision), the great partners (Rapport and Pixel Artworks) and of course, the staff at London County Hall who were brilliant all the way through. Second, tomorrow (Friday) we deliver the second...
plotted, psychologically compelling simulations. While most games rely upon reflexes or intellect, ZAP's offerings forces the player to use his or her empathy; only by understanding the antagonist's motivations will you be able to develop a rapport with him or her and ultimately defuse the ...