Homelessness Interventions in Georgia: Rapid Re-Housing, Transitional Housing, and the Likelihood of Returning to ShelterTransition-in-Place (TIP) is a housing model being piloted in the veterans affairs transitional housing program, Grant & Per Diem (GPD). This observational 20-site study compares...
Georgia (1972) future interest Gag order garnish garnishee garnishment GATT gender bias gender identity General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) general appearance general bequest general counsel general damages general denial general journal general ledger general partner general plan general power ...
3A). These viruses were A/Fancy Chicken/Newfoundland/FAV-0033/2021 (Ck/NL/21; native EA constellation; with the same genotype as Wigeon/SC/21); A/Red-shouldered hawk/North Carolina/W22-121/2022 (Hawk/NC/22; with the same genotype as Eagle/FL/22); A/Lesser scaup/Georgia/W22-145E/...
Chuang, E.; Yu, S.; Georgia, A.; Nymeyer, J.; Williams, J. A Decade of Studying Drivers of Disparities in End-of-Life care for Black Americans: Using the NIMHD Framework for Health Disparities Research to Map the Path Ahead. J. Pain Symptom Manag. 2022, 64, e43–e52. [Google ...