ThePfkelch13propeller domain was amplified using aP. falciparumspecific protocol described previously [25]. PCR products were visualized on a 2% agarose gel after electrophoresis. Sequencing of PCR products was performed using an ABI 3730 sequencer by Sanger using a protocol established at CDC/Atlanta...
1. A portable oxygen concentrator, comprising: at least one removable module comprising: a housing; at least one adsorbent bed; wherein each of said adsorbent beds comprise an input port; and an oxygen-enriched product tube comprising an oxygen output port; and a manifold to control gas flow...
In the 21st century, new challenges emerged, including mass incarceration and racial inequities, resulting in disparities in education, jobs, housing, and healthcare. Disparities in healthcare and health outcomes have been well documented at the individual level but are less known at the population ...