Upon entering the offshore work environment, the worker underwent serial antigen testing within their first nine of 14 or more days being offshore. Testing of a worker occurred with their informed consent either on days three, six, and nine; or on days two, five, and eight. The two patter...
We evaluated a commercially available antigen detection kit (Ramco Labs, Houston, TX) in combination with a commercially obtained antibody test (Allergy Immuno Technologies, Newport Beach, CA). Using the combination for the diagnosis of systemic candidiasis, 81% of patients gave serological indication...
Accurate assessment of T-cell-receptor (TCR)–antigen specificity across the whole immune repertoire lies at the heart of improved cancer immunotherapy, but predictive models capable of high-throughput assessment of TCR–peptide pairs are lacking. Recent advances in deep sequencing and crystallography ha...
In urine samples, the rK39 rapid test and KAtex® (Kalon Biological, Guildford, UK), a latex agglutination test based on the detection of a low-molecular weight (5–20 kDa) heat-stable carbohydrate antigen, were evaluated. The sensitivity of the rK39 rapid test was 100% (95% CI: ...
nov., Mycobacterium houstonense sp. nov., Mycobacterium neworleansense sp. nov. and Mycobacterium brisbanense sp. nov... The Mycobacterium fortuitum third biovariant complex (sorbitol-negative and sorbitol-positive) contains unnamed taxa first characterized in 1991. These organisms can cause ...
test for histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) and panmalarial antigens. A total of 229 patients were examined, of whom 133 were found to be malaria positive by Giemsa microscopy. Both OptiMAL and ICT gave lower sensitivities than previously reported. ICT sensitivity for Plasmodium falciparum and ...
“The competition was open to all modalities of molecular testing, and the teams submitted an impressive range of ideas. The winners created innovative technologies in rapid PCR, novel antigens, and point-of-care LAMP as well as pioneering some of the first-ever olfaction and breathalyzer tests...
(Figs.1aandS1). Before testing theseOLIG2smRNAs, we first determined the efficiency of smRNA delivery into NPCs derived from hiPSCs. Using a cationic liposome-based delivery system, we introduced eGFP smRNA into NPCs as an in vitro tracer. As shown in Fig.1b, transfection of 300 ng of...
ERG immunohistochemistry was performed as previously described44. Briefly, four μm TMA sections were dehydrated and blocked in 0.6% hydrogen peroxide in methanol for 20 min. and were processed for antigen retrieval in EDTA (pH 9.0) for 30 min in a microwave followed by 30 min of cooli...
Sample collection is facilitated by a hydrophilic hollow microneedle array that autonomously extracts and transports interstitial fluid to an antibody-based lateral flow test strip via surface tension for colorimetric antigen detection. We employ a simple gold enhancement treatment to enhance the detection ...