mutate(Abundance = Count/sum(Count)) %>% na.omit() # 绘制 Rank-Abundance,注意y轴数据进行对数变化 ggplot(data, aes(x = Rank, y = Abundance, color = Group)) + geom_line() + scale_y_log10() + scale_color_jco(name = NULL) + labs(title="Rank-Abundance Curves") + ylab("% Abun...
Rank abundance curves for five habitat types across a disturbance gradient and all samples on Hog Island, Virginia, USA.Steven T. BrantleySpencer N. BissettDonald R. YoungCatherine W. V. WolnerLaura J. Moore
A versatile curve-fit model for linear to deeply concave rank abundance curves A new, flexible curve-fit model for linear to concave rank abundance curves was conceptualized and validated using observational data. The model links the ... JH Neuteboom,PC Struik - 《Njas Wageningen Journal of Lif...
[7, 25], the chemical gas composition and the ratio of the abundance of CH4relative to higher hydrocarbons (i.e., “gas dryness”) became indispensible proxies for evaluating the origin of coalbed gas[26–30](Table 1a.1). However, these chemical compositional indices may vary significantly,...
are non-linear functions of transcript abundance, and the conditions affecting these non-linear functions change from array to array or with biologic condition due to unbalanced gene expression, then systematic variation will be introduced between arrays and/or conditions. The goal of this work is ...
S rj ≈ I rj = a j A rj η rj + φ rj where a: probe affinity; A: abundance; η: multiplicative noise; φ: additive noise Eqn. 3 S rj = p log(PM - MM) jr = log2 (max((PM - MM) j ,1)) r where 1 ≥ j≥ J and 1 ≥ r≥ R Eqn. 4 ...
For cells delivering pro-tumor suppression, compared with TFP tumors, the abundance of macrophage was greater in TFN tumors (Fig. 5A). Furthermore, using xCell, we found the relative fraction of M1 macrophage in TFP tumors was significantly lower than TFN tumors (one-sided Wilcoxon rank-...
Rank abundance curves for four habitat types across a disturbance gradient and all samples on Metompkin Island, Virginia, USA.Steven T. BrantleySpencer N. BissettDonald R. YoungCatherine W. V. WolnerLaura J. Moore
Rank-abundance curvesFriedemann Goral
A versatile curve-fit model for linear to deeply concave rank abundance curves. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 53(2), pp.167-197.Neuteboom, J.H. & P.C. Struik, 2005a. A versatile curve-fit model for linear to deeply concave rank abun- dance curves. NJAS - Wageningen ...