Analysis of MRE-scores revealed that altering the sequence of most MREs (~85%) comprising this canonical target network rendered a detectable increase in transcript abundance (MRE-score > 1), consistent with relief of miR-184-mediated repression (Fig.6band Supplementary Data9). A certain de...
At the bottom, all genes in the human genome are ranked by decreasing average expression in the scRNA-seq dataset. Only genes detected in at least 5% of the cells (dark gray) were considered in the differential expression analyses. Non tested genes (light gray) include both genes not ...
At the bottom, all genes in the human genome are ranked by decreasing average expression in the scRNA-seq dataset. Only genes detected in at least 5% of the cells (dark gray) were considered in the differential expression analyses. Non tested genes (light gray) include both genes not ...
The presented ecological risk indicator (RI) of hazardous metals, initially proposed by Hakanson69, is an approach for determining the risk connected with an abundance of HM in an ecosystem. As Xie point out, this score takes into account characteristics such as heavy metal concentrations, kinds,...
Today’s periodic table showing the origin of elements comes to us from Reddit useru/only_home, inspired by anearlier versioncreated by astronomer Jennifer Johnson. It should be noted that elements with multiple sources are shaded proportionally to reflect the amount of said element produced from ...
To assess the consistency of our scoring metric, we ordered the 8mers by their score, and examined the relationship between score and the enrichment values we observed in each of the five GFP+ sub-populations (Fig. 4b, Additional file 10). As expected, lowly ranked sequences are enriched ...
D, Alus on active promoters are less methylated than those in poised and weak promoters; post hoc ranked Wilcoxon test, distinct letters describe categories with detectable differences. E, background for Alu-free regions; that is, genome-wide results after randomly allocating Alu elements along ...
Environmental factors are ranked by their increasing effect on DOC, DIC, d13CDIC, and major elements in western Siberian rivers as the following: watershed area -2 yr-1 until 61掳 N, decreased two-fold in the discontinuous permafrost zone (62-66掳 N), and increased...
(> 30)71. A critical threshold for the HPI is set at 100; water samples surpassing this value are deemed unsuitable for drinking purposes and should be disregarded72. All analyzed water samples (100%) found in low range therefore, were ranked as ‘excellent’ (Table7). These results ...
The absolute deltaSVM models ranked 7th out of 25 measures and were most similar to the number of overlapping top 25th percentile JASPAR predicted motifs (0.80 Pearson correlation). However, deltaSVM models showed improved performance when correlating expression effects including their directionality (...