lastSelectionEnd (lastCaretPos) {constRange<int> selection (editor.getHighlightedRegion());if(lastCaretPos == selection.getStart()) lastSelectionEnd = selection.getEnd();elselastSelectionEnd = selection.getStart(); } 开发者ID:grimtraveller,项目名称:mlrVST,代码行数:12,代码来源:juce_CodeEditorC...
See also:Sentinel hub|Landsat 8|NASA FIRMS Latest satellite images Apaneca Range Volcano Maps Below is a selection of maps showing the location and surroundings of the volcano at various resolutions based on aerial-imagery / terrain maps. Feel free to use them for non-commercial purposes on your...
Table 1 summarises the CpG sites, the biomarkers they associated with, the genes the CpGs are annotated to and a selection of traits that DNAm at these CpGs have previously been associated with in EWAS studies. The full index of MRC IEU EWAS Catalogue associations (available as of August ...
Does fluctuating selection maintain variation in nest defense behavior in Arctic peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus tundrius)? Behavioral expression can vary both within‐ (i.e., plasticity) and among‐individuals (i.e., animal personality), and understanding the causes and consequ... NA Gulotta...
These processes can be either deterministic, when communities form due to selection imposed by abiotic or biotic factors22, or stochastic, assuming that all taxa have a similar fitness and the structure of the community is shaped by random events of ecological drift (i.e., births and deaths)...
The actual battery life of the vehicle varies depending on factors such as ambient temperature, driving road conditions, driving habits and operations, battery life, wheel/tyre selection and other factors during actual road driving...
This page dynamically displays group information for the corresponding category based on the information of the category tree when clicked, and supports cascade selection of the parent group when adding. The main information of this page is stored in the pms_attr_group table. Specification Parameters...
imicola. As recommended by Cornuet et al.61, we used as test statistics the DIYABC summary statistics not used for model selection in previous ABC treatments. Because this analysis may suffer from non-independence between the sum- mary statistics, we also performed a principal component analysis...
basic_iterator<ranges::v3::iota_view<int,void>,ranges::v3::default_sentinel>,ranges::v3::iter_transform_view<ranges::v3::detail::take_exactly_view_<ranges::v3::iota_view<int,void>,1>,ranges::v3::indirected<<lambda_75e7fbe4ee98d512233b9df1e638ba8e> > >::adaptor<1> > ...
Ewald M, Dupke C, Heurich M, Müller J, Reineking B (2014) LiDAR remote sensing of forest structure and GPS telemetry data provide insights on winter habitat selection of european roe deer. Forests 5:1374–1390. Article Google Scholar Feilhauer H, Schmid...