var imagesYearY = ndviCol.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(y, y, 'year')); var date = ee.Date.fromYMD(y, 1, 1).millis(); var maxImage = imagesYearY.max().set('system:time_start', date, 'year', y); return maxImage; }); return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(images); } var maxI...
日期(Date Range) 可根据自己所需影像的需求进行设置(年份与月份有单独的选择面板) 云量(Cloud Cover) 一般只要是10%以下基本就没有问题 结果选项(Result Options) 标准搜索每页结果数需要选择大一些,否则把数据分成几页,你选择下载研究区时可能很麻烦 数据集(Data Sets) 数据集(Data Sets)选择中可根据自己需求确定...
Sentinel-1常用SW、IW、EW模式获取,有三个产品级别Level-0(原始影像)、Level-1和Level-2(各种模式下的海洋产品)。地距GRD(Ground range detected)SAR数据,包含经过多视处理、采用WGS84椭球投影至地距的聚焦数据,相对于SLC数据,GRD数据消除热噪声以提高图像质量。前言 – 人工智能教程 Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture...
1.打开USGS网站,并注册登录(这也是下载Landsat数据等很多数据的网站): 2.在Data sets中选择Sentinel-2: 3.在Search Criteria中输入你的目标区域名称并点击,就会加载出该目标区域的经纬度信息;然后在Date Range中输入起始日期: 4.在Additional criteria选项卡中设置云量筛选,然后就可以点击results啦: 5.点击红框处按...
.filterDate('2017','2024') .filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(6,9,'month')) .filter('CLOUDY_PIXEL_PERCENTAGE',10)) .map(function(img){ var bands ='B.*').multiply(0.0001) var ndvi = bands.normalizedDifference(['B8','B4']).rename('ndvi') ...
Respawning can be set to "-1" to cause the NPC to delete itself on death, or "0" to prevent respawn. Sentinel NPCs will guard a single point or entire path if either is set using the command/npc path. This means they will still within their chaserange of that point or path, and ...
Get pricing details for Microsoft Azure Sentinel, first cloud-native SIEM from a major public cloud provider—free during preview.
1). In general, the average AGB was 49.44 Mg/ha within the range of 0.55 to 153.31 Mg/ha and a standard deviation (SD) of 33.83 Mg/ha. Satellite data Data processing The SAR data used in this study were acquired from the Sentinel-1A satellite, which is a C-band SAR with a ...
DescriptionStandardSpectral Range (nm)Sentinel-2Landsat-89Landsat-457MODIS Aerosols A 400 - 455 B1 B1 Blue B 450 - 530 B2 B2 B1 B3 Green 1 G1 510 - 550 B11 Green G 510 - 600 B3 B3 B2 B4 Yellow Y 585 - 625 Red R 620 - 690 B4 B4 B3 B1 Red Edge 1 RE1 695 - 715 B5 ...