Hello everyone, I have a mat file (attached) containing 4 parameters:month,sa, ta, andsig. My intention is to get themeanandstandard deviationfrom each month ofsataata specific range ofsig(let's say the value ofsig : 27.4 - 27.5). So, the intended output...
How to change a range of numbers in a matrix to... Learn more about random number generator, replace elements in matrix
Generates an n-dimensional matrix of random numbers between upper and lower bounds. Data type specification (integer, single, double) is available. Syntax X = rand2(a,b) X = rand2(a,b,[],type) X = rand2(a,b,[n1,...,nn]) X = rand2(a,b,[n1,...,nn],type) Description X ...
How to create a matrix with power spectral... Learn more about electrophysiology, imaging, neuroexplorer, spectrogram, perievent spectrogram, power spectral density, fft MATLAB
% coordinate as distance matrix dmat. % Body: % (1) Randomly generate populations % (2) Find min-cost of all pop (trials); keep best pop member and plot. % (3) Shuffle (reshuffle) pop for a new tournament % (4) Sub-group pop into groups of 4. % F...
Error using readmatrix - Unable to determine... Learn more about readmatrix, range, unable to determine range, range must be a named range in the sheet or a single cell, error using readmatrix MATLAB
[minval,minindex] = min(meandata(N4index:P6index)); Where meandata is a vector representing a time averaged data series. The indexes are just time points found with the 'find' function but are about 200 and 400. I tried this 編
memory as arrays grow bigger, which is very convenient, but this process can slow down code if the arrays grow many times or in large steps. Every time it grows, MATLAB has to check if it fits the current memory space allocated, and if not, it copies it to a new ar...
y = range(X,'all') returns the range of all elements in X. example y = range(X,dim) returns the range along the operating dimension dim of X. For example, if X is a matrix, then range(X,2) is a column vector containing the range value of each row. example y = range(X,vec...
I am extracting rows from matrix acc1, which have a first column value within a certain range . This range is defined by two values taken from a double, a. I am getting error messages for this and not sure why. q=acc1(acc1(:,1) > a(1,1) &...