Range of values collapse all in page Description y= range(X)returns the difference between the maximum and minimum values of sample data inX. IfXis a vector, thenrange(X)is the range of the values inX. IfXis a matrix, thenrange(X)is a row vector containing the range of each column in...
I want to plot part of matrix A and join it up with part of matrix B. So I want to plot the elements of A from 1 to 5 and then join up with the element values from B of 5 to 1. How would I do this? I’ve got a bigger problem I’m tryig to solve but this is just ...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi all, I have a reinforcement learning env with 4 observations and 6 actions. Each action has a lower limit of 0.05 and an upper limit of 1. I see that the actions during training are getting saturated at one band of values. ...
回答済み:Walter Roberson
I have a mat file (attached) containing 4 parameters:month,sa, ta, andsig. My intention is to get themeanandstandard deviationfrom each month ofsataata specific range ofsig(let's say the value ofsig : 27.4 - 27.5). So, the intended output should be like thi...
, if you don't like the answer, then you are completely free to post your own answer, insted of saying how bad this answer is. That is, if you know a better way to solve it, then show the better way. If you don't know how to solve ...
The randi function in matlab generates uniformly distributed pseudo-random integers. If I want to generate discrete uniformly distributed random values (decimals) in the range of {0,0.05} and a step size of 0.01, how can I do it?
Range of quantizer Object r = range(q) returns the two-element row vector r = [min_q max_q] such that for all real x, y = quantize(q,x) returns y in the range min_q ≤ y ≤ max_q. example [min_q,max_q] = range(q) returns the minimum and maximum values of the range ...
G is my matrix now i want to change element values ranging from 2 to 25 to random number from x How can i do it?? 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Accepted Answer Vosson 23 Feb 2023 Vote 0 Link Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: ...
One more question, I have had to scale the range values by 4.41. When calibrating I couldn't see targets at the recommended 5m range using a configuration that, according to the Matlab code, should have 13 meter range. Placing the target at 2m produced a return...