Intervention: randomised controlled trials (RCT) and randomised concentration-controlled trials (RCCT) A number of possible approaches may be under consideration when planning a prospective trial. The curve in (1) corresponds to no supplementation and is referred to as placebo in what follows. Two ...
The Independent Trial Steering Committee (TSC) has six members, including a clinical academic with extensive trials experience, an academic loneliness expert, two lived experience members both of whom bring experience of mental health practitioner roles, and an academic statistician and a health economis...
Cluster randomised control trial CRF: Case report form CTRU: Clinical Trials Research Unit eFI: Electronic Frailty Index EQ5D: 5-level EQ-5D GDS: Geriatric Depression Scale GDPR: General Data Protection Regulations GP: General Practitioner HES: Health Episodes Statistics ICC: Intraclass...
Many such trials have suffered from selection bias and contamination [29]. In a trial of hospice at home, at the request of the ethics committee patients were randomised 4 (service) to 1 (control), to ensure the service was kept full. In addition, patients referred when the service was ...
The Swedish version has shown good internal consistency in previous trials [21, 23]. The Profile of Occupational Engagement Scale (POES) is used to address changes of time use patterns and behaviour as reflected by the engagement level in activities and community life. The first part involves ...
Since, randomised control trials (RCTs) have high internal validity, in this paper we review RCTs of interventions involving CHWs for improving child health in LMIC from a realist perspective with the aim to see if the RCTs can yield insight into the working of the CHWs. RCTs involving ...
Based on the achievements of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in medicine, and the need for effective government interventions in support of business, some have advocated for the use of RCTs in the evaluation of business support programmes (BSPs). Notwithstanding these recommendations, the use ...
2012, Health Psychology Review Motivational interviewing to improve weight loss in overweight and/or obese patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials 2011, Obesity Reviews View all citing articles on ScopusView...
Failure to recruit to target or schedule is common in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Innovative interventions are not always fully developed before being tested, and maintenance of fidelity to the intervention during trials can be problematic. Missing data can compromise analyses, and inaccurate...
Randomise Control TrialSmall ProportionInform Decision MakingJepson et al. Trials "It's what we call a randomised control trial" exploring how randomisation is presented by recruiters in RCTs Marcus Jepson 0 Daisy Townsend 0 Julia Wade 0 Carmel Conefrey 0 Jenny Donovan 0 The QUINTET team 0 0...