Apple Watch heart rate monitor I recently brought a Apple Watch S4 40mm,The first few weeks the Apple Watch has been working perfectly fine. Recently I’ve been getting random spikes on my watch, nearly daily going from 64bpm to 156bpm back to 82bpm !!! This has been driving me a lit...
Random heart spikes on my A2770 watch I see others have gotten random spikes, how can you tell if the sensor is faulty? The first time it happened over a year ago I happened to be medically assessed. It was taken seriously. I was seen multiple times by a cardiologist, did stress tests...
As Optimism In Dolphins & Canes Spikes, Miami Flexes As A Football Town Tribute: Community Was One Place Dolphins Won Big -- Because of Jason Jenkins Hilltop: The five columns before that: Tua's Preseason Debut Was Most Impressive 4 1/2 Hours Before It Began / Watson Punishment Will Go ...
right at home. Really at home, which I will go more later. It might not be as much for the casual gamer. It may be a one and done affair. But there is still some enjoyment and nothing complex. Most importantly, the replay value is there to have the best score and improve on your...
This was further reinforced when, standing in the low level platforms in Glasgow Central some months ago, my mind started to drift during a conversation with Lorna and I realised that I was scouting the tracks for railway spikes. I don't care WHAT you say... there's a superjump at the...