Cool random facts about life and everything ever that everyone should discover and say “incredible”. Read and check out this list of 110 cool random facts about life and everything ever and if you find any other cool fact, add it to our collection onVKool sitein the line ofLifestyle....
They don’t drink human blood though – they prefer sheep, cows and other mammals. And they don’t drink nearly enough to do the animal any harm. They use their fangs, and make a small hole then lap the blood up as it comes out. Urgh. 4. Two people named Alan have walked on the...
It takes 3,000 cows to supply the NFL with enough leather for a year's supply of footballs. Share If you’re looking for the most interesting list of animal facts, you’re at the right place! Here are 300 of the best fun & random facts about animals!
This week a post called ‘Five Science ‘Facts’ We Learnt At School That Are Plain Wrong‘ popped into my Facebook feed from a few different sources. It led to more than one argument, and the unearthing of some interesting titbits. Most of these facts aren’t directly about chemistry, ...
The tag line of Will Storr’s The Heretics is Adventures with the Enemies of Science and it is a book about science and about people who don’t believe the scientific “facts”. It is also a deeply thought-provoking book because it forces you to question your assumptions about the things...
Other interesting facts: The main town area (Grid town) has a 40km/hr limit and all entries have cattle grids because cattle run free and they need to stop them entering the town CBD. Outside of the town (other side of the cattle grids) the speed limit is 50km/hr due to narrow, ...
Looking for random and fun facts to bring out at your next dinner party? Here's 180 random facts for adults and children alike. The best random fun facts...
I tried to come up with many possible arguments to refute these claims. I reckon this initial reaction only came out of my own insecurities about losing those delicacies that had become an integral part of my diet. It took me a while to digest the facts and internalize them. While travelin...
The most existential question of all perhaps. But to be more specific, this place is about growing up in 60s and 70s as a questioning and not a passive child. This blog is for the more discerning Generation X young consumer, those who weren’t fooled into thinking that Blue Peter was go...
(2011), which can be attributed to the facts that the regular RR-TDM only used pedigree information, and the genetic relationship between the training and testing sets became more and more distant when the testing generation increased. Heredity Single-step random regression model H Kang et al ...