The cows’ hornsturn inwardsand arewell tufted, whereas the bulls havelargerandlongerhorns thatget bald over timebecause of fights. 8. Weird facts about giraffes: can you kiss them? You will probably never get the chance to reach a giraffe’s head unless you visitNairobi Giraffe Centr...
Still it was irresistible: "What's gruesome about Thursday?" "Nothing. Except that I can never remember when it's coming. You see, on Thursdays I have to catch the eight forty-five. They're so particular about visiting hours, so if you're there by ten that gives you an hour before ...
These hard trivia questions will answer those truly useless facts that you may have never even wondered about. So, don't feel bad if you can't even answer one of these questions right -- most people won't. It's not like these are things that you should know, after all. Hate mosquito...
Be very careful with being funny about sacred cows, from religion to politics. Everything can be funny but sometimes if you go "too far" in someone else's eyes, they'll call you on it. Be ready for that, and be armed with your reasons. All the same, keep in mind that not all c...
The most interesting, funny, crazy, amazing, history, random, mind blowing, omg and weird facts on the internet.
In the lotus position, he sat viewing the derelict pier. It wasgodhuli bela, the time when the grazing herd of cows returned to his village in subdued light. The calm lake, sounds of fauna, the gentle air settled him for a deep meditation. ...
15 Interesting Facts about Franklin Roosevelt 15 Interesting Facts about Ben Franklin Top 15 Interesting Facts about Archimedes 15 Little Known Facts about Martin Luther King 15 Interesting Facts about Ronald Reagan 15 Interesting Facts about Nelson Mandela ...
Why do cows have hooves and not feet? Because they lactose! READ THIS NEXT:187 Stupid Jokes So Bad They're Actually Funny. Best Jokes for Kids Shutterstock / ESB Professional Why did the student eat his homework on his birthday? Because he heard it was a piece of cake!
17. Who has time for feelings when life is all about logic and facts and chasing fun? ESTPs are spontaneous 18. “Guys, is anyone else thinking that we should just book a flight right here right now?!”– every ESTP ever. Source: @estp_personality ...
These funny cow jokes are udderly hilarious! From cow-themed lines to tell at a party to silly jokes to tell kids, this pun-filled list is full of laughs.