Among these measures, those are the simplest and most commonly used estimate the stability of a partition by performing a large number of comparisons between two partitions achieved on distinct perturbed sets. The Rand index provides a simple and easily interpretable way to achieve such comparisons....
Here we describe novel random sequence generating tool RANDTRAN that accounts for the length distribution of 5' and 3' non-translated regions in given transcriptome and the partition-specific di- and trinucleotide compositions in translated and non-translated regions. RANDRAN presents matching control ...
The goal of this study is to provide a thorough understanding of the adjusted Rand index as well as many other partition comparison indices based on counting object pairs. It is shown that many overall indices based on the pair-counting approach can be decomposed into indices that reflect the ...
RANDTRAN: Random transcriptome sequence generator that accounts for partition specific features in eukaryotic mRNA datasetsBorzovE. A.MarakhonovA. V.IvanovM. V.DrozdovaP. B.BaranovaSkoblovMOLECULAR BIOLOGY C/C OF MOLEKULIARNAIA BIOLOGIIA
Gets a point estimate of the partition using posterior expected adjusted Rand index (PEAR)Chariff Alkhassim