For instance, Doppler broadening can be eliminated by saturation spectroscopy or by two counter-propagating beams for two-photon transitions/I/. Even measurements beyond the natural linewidth have been performed taking biased signals from the fluorescent decay /2-5/. Techniques have been proposed ...
Characterization of bacilli spores by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy, a fast and reliable technique for early warning of biological threats. In Sensors, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering; Compagnone, D., Ed.; Springer ... S Almaviva,A Lai,V Spizzichino,... - 《Lecture Notes in Ele...
Carbon nanotubes have become one of the studying hot points in the current of material field because of its special properties and unique structural features. In order to discuss the formation mechanidoi:10.1007/978-3-642-31006-5_23Y.-L. FengL.-J. YuLecture Notes in Electrical Engineering...
Raman spectroscopy is an important method to do the structure elucidation of PPy (polypyrrole) in various physical states [8]. The N-heterocyclic benzimidazole compound shows inter/intramolecular hydrogen bonding and charge transfers from the N–H bond of pyrrole ring [9]. Pyrrole-2-carboxylic ...
Kemmler, M., Denzler, J., Rosch, P., & Popp, J. (2010). Classification of Microorganisms via Raman Spectroscopy Using Gaussian Processes. Pattern Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 81-90). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg....
In this paper, we discuss the Tikhonov regularized version of the FC-NNLS algorithm (proposed by Benthem and Keenan in 2004) that belongs to a class of active-set methods in the context of its application to spectroscopy data. We noticed that starting iterative updates from a large value of...
High-resolution Raman spectroscopy with a tunable laserNot Availabledoi:10.1007/3-540-07411-2_306B. BlgerLaser SpectroscopyLecture Notes in Physics
Raman spectroscopy has strong potential for providing noninvasive dermatological diagnosis of skin cancer. In this study, we investigated various classification methods with confocal Raman spectra for the detection of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), which is one of the most common skin cancer. The ...
An optofluidic sensor based on a liquid jet waveguide has been successfully applied in Raman spectroscopy. The jet waveguide is obtained by ejecting the solution under analysis through a capillary nozzle. A self-aligned configuration allows to couple the liquid waveguide with an optical probe ...
Raman spectroscopy excited at 1064nm was used to analyze a selection of artificial sweeteners that are commonly used in low-calorie diets. Aqueous solutions with different sweetener concentrations in the 5–30% w/w range were analyzed, and a multivariate data processing of spectroscopic data was ...