Extended multiplicative signal correction in vibrational spectroscopy, a tutorial. Chemom. Intell. Lab. Syst.117, 92–99 (2012). Knorr, F., Smith, Z. J. & Wachsmann-Hogiu, S. Development of a time-gated system for Raman spectroscopy of biological samples. Opt. Express18, 20049–20058 ...
Raman spectroscopy is increasingly being used in biology, forensics, diagnostics, pharmaceutics and food science applications. This growth is triggered not only by improvements in the computational and experimental setups but also by the development of chemometric techniques. Chemometric techniques are the...
Micro-Raman spectroscopy and chemometrical analysis for the distinction of copper phthalocyanine polymorphs in paint layers Spectrochim. Acta A Mol. Biomol. Spectrosc., 115 (2013), pp. 636-640, 10.1016/j.saa.2013.04.128 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [12] M. Sepúlveda, C. ...
Tutorial How to calculate infrared and Raman spectra from MD教程如何计算的红外光谱和拉曼光谱从MD 热度: 【精品课件教案ppt】 红外光谱(ir)和拉曼光谱(raman) 热度: raman拉曼光谱(课堂ppt) 热度: JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY J. Raman Spectrosc. 31, 171–176 (2000) ...
W. et al. Pseudo-HE images derived from CARS/TPEF/SHG multimodal imaging in combination with Raman-spectroscopy as a pathological screening tool. BMC Cancer 16(1), 534 (2016). Article Google Scholar Camp JrCharles, H. et al. High-speed coherent Raman fingerprint imaging of biological ...
carotenoids,densityfunctionalcalculations,Ramanspectroscopy,overflow,solventeffects lntroduction carotenoidsarethemostabundantpigmentsfound innature.playingimportantrolesinmanybiological processes,suchasphOt0svnthesis.【。’ Muchworkhas thereforebeendoneontheground. .stateandexcited. . statescharacteristicsofcarotenoidsby...
Tutorial How to calculate infrared and Raman spectra from MD教程如何计算的红外光谱和拉曼光谱从MD 热度: 碳纳米管的拉曼光谱及其温度效应Raman Spectra of Carbon 热度: 相关推荐 第21卷,第2期光谱学与光谱分析VoI.21,No.2,pp193-196 2001年4月SpectroscopyandSpectraIAnaIysisApriI, !!! 2001 我国主要...
Raman spectroscopy; high throughput screening; pollen detection; PCA-SVM; HCA1. Introduction Pollen are the male gametophyte of higher plants enabling fertilization of plants via pollination. The study of pollen can reveal the origin of flora and provide information about insect migration and climate ...
Raman spectroscopy has also been proposed as a suitable technique for honey authentication. It has been used as a rapid, non-destructive method for adulteration detection in honey using the spectral fingerprint of each component. Oroian et al. (2018) used Raman spectroscopy and PLS-DA to detect...
SLE; Raman spectroscopy; immunology; rheumatology; diagnostic; multivariate analysis; biospectroscopy; dsDNA; biomarker; molecular; clinical1. Introduction Autoantibodies associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are clinically important and have been used historically in the diagnosis and monitoring ...